Cheap - people only ask if you buy it, hoping that there is a slim chance you may say, "okay"
I don't know if I am so much cheap as just careful. I like a good sale, but mainly because the idea of spending so much money one one item, like a shirt or something, makes me ill to my stomach. I can't bring myself to spend $20 on a shirt unless it makes me coffee. Once in awhile I will splurge.
The last question kind of caught me because I don't use cash, but I don't use credit. I use my Debit Card, which takes it directly out of my checking account. I put cash, though, because it isn't credit, and it is the same as cash, only with a card.
I think I also got discounted for cooking at home, even though I have found it costs me more to cook dinner at home than it does for me to go out. That is, if I am making a nice meal. Obviously making grilled cheese and tomato soup will be cheaper, but if I am on a date with my fiance, then it'll be about $40 in groceries.
Thrifty - you are not really cheap, well at least not to the average person
This is quite a shock for me. I am rarely referred to as anything that even suggests that I could save money. I had a spell for a while a few years ago that I worried overly about how much money I spent with the money that I had but now I am very relaxed and do not worry about what money I will have left over just so long as my obligations are taken care of.
Thrifty - you are not really cheap, well at least not to the average person. That's about right, depending on the situation. I hate to waste money but sometimes buying the least expensive thing is doing just that. Quality, and all that.
Cheap - people only ask if you buy it, hoping that there is a slim chance you may say, "okay"
Well if working harder to get extras and buying what you need on sale is cheap then sign me up!
Home cooking is cheaper then high end restaurants but it sure impresses the ladies ! As long as you are good at it!
Thrifty - you are not really cheap, well at least not to the average person
Yes I have to admit that this is true. I am very cautious with my money and I usually enjoy looking for a good bargain. However, when it comes to quality, I prefer to spend a little extra money since I believe in this old saying:
"Good thing no cheap and cheap thing no good."