Hello everyone,
I stumbled upon this site through a search for Sci-Fi text based RPGs. Being hungry enough for RP but clueless enough about online text-based communities, it was the only route which appeared feasible.
I'm 23 years old, a painter by choice and a Biology student by compulsion. I go to a state university in the USA where I'm a Junior undergrad. I was born and brought up in the searing heat and billowing dust of the northern plains of India, in a city which is probably the oldest "living" city in the world.
I'm passionate about politics and consider myself an avowed liberal, though I keep my opinions to myself in the USA...as someone who is not a citizen of this country I tend to keep my mouth shut and wait to go back home so I can be involved again.
I'm also a member of Greenpeace international and PUCL, an Indian human-rights activist group which is pretty active back home in the legal system as far as litigating for civil rights is concerned.
Painting is another passion, which I devote time to when I can and recently had an exhibition of some works at a local Library, my first. Was pretty excited.
I enjoy dancing (learning Salsa these days) and Reading literature, which I a recovering addict from. Kafka and Bulgakov are king, though I'm a big fan of the American post-1930s literature movement: Hemingway, McCullers, Fitzgerald.
In music, I have allways loved Pink Floyd ever since I entered my teens and got a copy of "Dark Side of the Moon" by my sister who was 8 years older and already a big psychedelia nutcase. These days I enjoy a more varied taste in music and listen to everything from Rap-Metal to Trance. Delerium has been a favourite for many months now.
I don't like Television much, haven't watched televion for more than 30 minutes at any time in the last 6 months, I fear. Though I do try to catch an episode of BSG whenever I can if I don't go out on Friday evenings.
I fear I shall ramble on for much more than I already have, so I'll stop here.
My future plans are to see as much of the world as I can "before the day comes when I am dead" as a poet once aptly put it.
Thanks for reading and hope to interact with many people here soon.
Edited: JB@Trinidad on 24th Mar, 2006 - 4:08pm