I wish we could have some influence over the dice here it really wantd to let us down sometimes.
I use to have a special shake for my rolls and thought I got around a 70% favor-ability with my style.
There was one tabletop superhero Role-playing Game I was playing in where one of the other players decided to go evil. He ambushed my character and severed all the nerve connections (His character was a super genius gadgeteer) making my character essentially useless. The Dungeon Master said there was nothing I could do, and I guess he was hoping the other players would step in and do something, but they didn't. I was so angry at this guy, and I asked if there was any chance of something, and he said okay, match my roll and rolled d100. He rolled 00, and showed the group, and everyone looked at me, sadly, except for the instigator. I don't know why or how, but at that moment I felt that the dice would do what I wanted And I rolled And got 00. Before I tossed the dice, I knew utterly that I was going to match the roll. Its happened a couple of more times like that in my life, where I knew what I was going to roll before the dice even hit the table, but nothing I did to make it happen. Its like when you shoot an arrow or a gun and you KNOW that your shot was perfect as you shoot.
Edited: Gknightbc on 15th Feb, 2018 - 3:37pm