Introductions should be very easy -- after all, this is not the first time we have met one another. However, since the veil has been temporarily drawn, I will present a little about myself that might enable one to feel a bit more at ease when approaching me.
I am a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been a member in good standing for around 12 years. I have been avidly interested in religious issues and their impact on mankind practically all my young and adult life. Prior to joining the Church, I was majoring in theological studies at a major Christian University.
I have had many callings in the Church. I have been a Gospel Doctrine Teacher for the last 5 years -- just about long enough to start recovering from the mistakes I made during my first round through the manuals. Actually, recovery from mistakes is probably not accurate -- more accurate would be that I am finally discovering how to be more sensitive to the needs of those who receive the instruction I present.
I am very passionate regarding the nature of our relationship with our Heavenly Father and about our relationship with one another. Too often, we tend to place priorities on the level of attention we will devote to those not of our immediate family. Yet, I believe we should reflect the same passion we have for our Heavenly Father with all those whom we have the privilege of coming into contact with.
Obviously, another of my weaknesses might be the tendency to 'preach' -- both to the choir and the world. Bear with me, though, my heart is truely a heart filled with compassion and love for all.
Welcome LDS Member
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Username signifies that I am a member of the body of Christ, a member of the body of the restored gospel and a member of the body of those who strive to reach for the celestial kingdom on a constant basis.
Member of the Body, but, due to string constraints, BodyMember.
Thanks for asking.