Hi Have just joined this site today and I am looking forward to getting know you and to joining in on your post. I am 49 on Friday I have been LDS for 29 years. The best part of my life is Moving to the USA in August this year to get Married. I am moving to Moses Lake If anyone knows where that is. I would like to thank the very nice young Lady who told me about this site.
I which you all a great week Steve.
Message Edited! Persephone: please use spell checker. |
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QUOTE (Aussie - posted elsewhere) |
I am having a hard time trying to fine this my mormonite control panel. I have seen this at the end of some people post. Then reading some post and wonting to add to that only to fine that I dont have premission to be there yet. Is there some thing that new members are not to see. Can someone please explan this Thank you very much. |