China Wildlife
A general Thread about Wildlife in China. What are the most common animals natural to China? Which China Wildlife is considered protected by local laws?
New study sheds light on illegal wildlife trade in Hong Kong. A study focusing on the type and volume of seizures relating to illegal wildlife trade in Hong Kong over the last five years illustrates the city's central role in global wildlife trafficking and the extent and nature of the associated criminality. It identifies clearly, how future policy and enforcement could be improved to provide the urgently required long-term sustainability. Source 2x.
Endangered species on supermarket shelves. Imagine purchasing products from your local grocer, only to find out that those products are comprised of critically endangered species! That's what a team has recently discovered on Hong Kong supermarket shelves. Source 1z.
Surprised researchers: Number of leopards in northern China on the rise. Most of the world's leopards are endangered and generally, the number of these shy and stunning cats is decreasing. However, according to a recent study, leopard populations in northern China are on the mend. Source 6k.