What I'm looking at is KN's 19 Posts a day count - that is animalistic in Forum terms.
Krakyn went from being not able to participate in RPGs to 100% activity and 5 Posts a day, looks like he does not want to be taken over.
DianeC is not as active as she used for understandable reasons* to be so she is likely to be taken over easily.
* Plus it looks like she wants her pic to show in the Arcade top six.
I told you I want to maintain a average of 20 posts a day. I am not sure how long I can keep it going but I am getting closer and closer to it.
I think I can get it there soon. The main thing is keeping it there without just random postings. If the forum stays busy like it has then it should be a easy task.
I wish you the best, the most I have ever reached is about 12 or 13, but have been able to maintain 11 with ease. The longer you are here the harder it gets. By the way, if things ever slow there is the Unanswered section with lots of News and Questions to tackle or introduce Threads that you know we won't have here like guns you have used, specifics to military training, what it is like being in security, odd moments you've had, etc.