Just make sure its way above 30 cause lots of the new guys don't realize that by the time its 12am GMT it still needs to be 30.
The suggestion for way above 30 probably the way to go. I tried my best today, but looks like it cut out around 28 as my battery died. It’s actually quite hard to post constructively and in volume at the same time.
30 is nothing for some people. There used to be posters here that would easily get up to 50+. Its not like that anymore I think everyone is on FB or Instagram now. They like looking at pics more than discussing things. If you're desperate for FP you can always donate for it too.
Hmm, could just be my own personal learning curve. I tend to lurk unless forced into the spotlight, which is probably why the need for FP was built into ROK to begin with.
Hopefully this time around, if I'm able to be Top Poster again, I'll actually get the 125 FP I'm supposed too. Since last time I did not, which did disappointment me. Though just in case, I will see about making a screen shot to prove such.
You have to make sure you get your posts within the 24 hour period which is I think 8pm UTC to 8pm UTC the next day. If you had posts that carried over it might make you look like you got more posts than you actually had. Its happened to me before so I know from experience.
I did keep track of that, and even with that consideration I was still the top poster the lost time I really buckled down to post. Though seeing mention of it having to be 30+ posts, not remembering if last time it was above that and if not it was close, I will be making sure that it is above such today.
This explains much. Now that I have to pay attention to FPs to resurrect a character, this points system is hilarious. Makes it part of the game. What an amusing idea. Well done to whomever invented it.