I have recovered from three serious neck injuries... I am more healthy than I was 23 years ago- pre-NDE... I guess that is as much as I can say about it. I am much more aware of my health now and I don't know if it is because of my NDE or just that I want to avoid circumstances and be aware of situations that might lead to me breaking my neck again. I don't mind dying...but I would certainly want to avoid breaking my neck again if possible...
As far as grooming goes, someone has to tell me if my collar is right or if I have my sock tucked in my pant and I don't usually care about my hair except that I want to keep my hair healthy because it is a sign of poor health if it is not healthy. I bathe daily for health reasons...but as far as awarenes of my physical grooming, I am a three on a scale of 1-10.