Linda's Bakery Trinidad +
Linda's Bakery started out in Maraval and made a name for themselves so they moved to various outlets. The one I frequent is St. James. I like Linda's Bakery because their breads tend to be more wholesome and heavier but there are some drawbacks:
1. It is likely that when they slice and package their whole wheat bread they do not properly let it cool off. This causes condensation within the bag the bread comes in and thus it allows for mold to spread faster over the bread. Normally I look for one that is not 'sweating' but it is not always the case. Therefore a loaf of bread that should last about six days only lasts about 3-4. I've been noticing this happen more and more so I may have to switch to KISS, unfortunately.
2. Their locations are not the most convenient or I should rather say they are not available in most places so it is only when I'm 'in the area' can I stop by.
3. They are very pricey. I only buy the regular whole wheat sliced bread, the pastries and other stuff seem too overly priced in my opinion.
Recently, TV6 carried a report about a woman's claim of allegedly finding something in her bread (I think it was a small roach, I can't remember) at the Arima branch, I have not seen a followup story about it but it seems the woman is being handled by Linda's insurance people.
What are your thoughts about Linda's Bakery Trinidad?
Linda's Bakery Trinidad (Hover)
Linda's bread is great, excellent for getting a good bite if you want a bigger sandwich, it's quite heavy too which is good. However like the comments above the bread doesn't last very long and it spoils quickly.