Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires

- Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 28th Jul, 2013 - 7:55am

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Top  Society' s Expectations Vs Individual Desires Can you just do what you want and expect others to be comfortable with it? Should others resepct your individuality and leave you alone? What are your thoughts on this subject?
27th Jul, 2013 - 5:38pm / Post ID: #

Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires

Society's Expectations vs Individual Desires

In society, peace and order is derived through laws and the enforcement of laws. In extreme cases, when an individual or group chooses to disrupt the peace others will call this "Being a nuisance to society". Society expects everyone to conform to certain established rules and if individuals do not follow then they must be forced to comply.

Individuals may feel comfortable with what they do and feel Society is wrong. Let's take for instance something like playing your music too loud or at least too loud by Society's standards. There may be a law for that (Noise pollution) such as do not play music above a certain level, so many decibels maximum, not between certain times, etc. The individual does it anyway because they are comfortable with the level of output their music speakers blast tunes. Some in society may choose to ignore it, but the majority calls the police or complain because the majority does not want to listen to your music. We have read about many cases in the Law & Order Board where music / parties became loud enough that it ended in one party being assaulted or murdered - either the offender or the complainant.

Now that was a common example but what about simple oddities, something for which there isn't a direct law but society will take it as too taboo to be acceptable. Let's say that someone has a habit of digging their nose in public. This may be grossly offensive and some will choose to ignore it (Like the example I gave with music) but the majority will take action. The individual may be comfortable with digging his / her nose, but the main point is if what you do affects others then you can't expect them to be comfortable with it just because you are comfortable with it. That is the laws of Society regardless of what condition, frame of mind, background, or tradition you may personally have, hence the automatic response by Society is to force you to change or be you will be isolated. In worst case scenarios imprisonment is an effective solution for dealing with those who do not comply.

Thus, many rather choose to live in isolation or move to a location where their personal ideals will be accepted. In the earlier example, people who like music will get along quite well together. What are your thoughts about Society's Expectations vs Individual Desires?

Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires
Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires (Hover)

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Post Date: 27th Jul, 2013 - 9:55pm / Post ID: #

Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires
A Friend

Desires Individual Expectations Societys

I have encountered this first hand, some old lady lives across the street from me and on a Saturday night at 7pm she called the police because my music was too loud when I could hardly make out the lyrics from my barbeque, yes the bass travels for a great distance but it was not loud enough to disrupt anyone, the cops came and understood my situation and the elderly lady called a second time. The police came again and I reasoned with them and shut off my stereo, but this should have not been the case, I was within my legal rights to play my music and I could have, but I felt guilty.

Rules like this is where the law gets out of hand, I mean every person on this planet enjoys different things and certainly at some point some people will dislike what others are doing but the police can't make them stop just because you are not used to it.

Reconcile Edited: Anoki on 27th Jul, 2013 - 9:57pm

28th Jul, 2013 - 7:55am / Post ID: #

Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires Health & Special Psychology

I have to say that "Society's standards" And my standards differ quite a bit. I like to run around with as little clothing as possible, (Not saying that I like doing it around other people, because I don't) but for instance I would like to be able to lay in my own yard in a swim suit to sun bathe. I don't like that others feel it's ok to gawk at me, and others feel it's offensive to them that I can be seen. It's not that I want others to be able to see me, if it were legal I would build a six foot high fence.(But it's not legal in my town) Getting to the point, sometimes living in cities or towns makes it difficult to do things you like doing not meaning to offend others because there is a lack of privacy. I try to live in harmony with others around me but because of a lack of privacy it makes it difficult to accept others music, beliefs, interests, etc.
As another example of my desires versus society, I would like to have a small community in the mountains where everyone works together to grow our own food, power our own homes and barter and trade instead of using money. I believe that if more people banded together to help one another this world could be more pleasant to live within.
Tolerance and patience (And a lot of love) is the key in my opinion, with so many diverse people out there if there can be compromise then things could mix a little smoother for everyone.

> TOPIC: Society's Expectations Vs Individual Desires


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