Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Now that you have played it - what is your review for the video game "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"?
Return To Castle Wolfenstein (Hover)
Return To Castle Wolfenstein is a really cool game with good graphics. Its a 1000% improvement on the original DOS version. If you are in a jam and need some cheat codes here is what you do:
First select the icon shortcut for the game and in the properties of the location you append: "+set sv_cheats 1" Os it looks like "...WolfSP.exe" +set sv_cheats 1". Then save.
Then when you load the game and ready to play press the [~] key and enter one of the following with the slash:
God mode /god
Disable enemy AI /notarget
No clipping mode /noclip
All weapons and ammunition /give all
Armor /give armor
Full ammunition for current weapons /give ammo
Health /give health
Stamina /give stamina