I am far from an expert in coding. My best language to-date is Java, and I'd rate myself a 4. I can dabble enough to write some simple programs to test customer scenarios at work, but in terms of large scale programming I am not quite there. I've also written some C applications but not enough to be proficient at it.
I am more front end based, but because of the need for interaction online I started to dive into coding a couple of years ago and I would say I am expert at modification of code (people refer to these as hackers), but as far as being a coder from the ground up I am not, so I will give myself a 5. Mostly because my head is getting too old to create new stuff. Why should I anyway when there is already something created and I merely have to adjust it for my needs?
I've been a PHP/MySQL developer for 6 years. I made a PHP Solitare game from scratch (1134 lines of code including HTML). I know Plenty of HTML, Javascript, CSS.
I'm probably an 8 when it comes to development, but my weakness is design. I'm probably a 3 when it comes to visual layout.
My coding ability may not be useful for long, as the three languages I know are basic - 8, vb - 6 , and c - 2. Basic is too old to be used by anyone other than restaurant, vb is currently getting fazed out, and I'm not very good at c.
There's no problem with code reuse. I try to use it whenever possible, as it's a huge time-saver.