I have been giving it some thought about putting back together a campaign idea I had, but only got to test run one time, "A World Beneath A World." Most the campaign takes place in a dungeon with lots of puzzles, traps, role play, and light fighting. The concept is more a task of adapting and surveying in order to get free, and gathering clues a long the way in order to find out the truth of whats going on in your beloved and in danger kingdom above. Where it goes from there depends on how well you come out alive if at all.
When I did run it the 6 players I had where loving it. The problem was getting it so everyone could make the weekly game nights with such odd work times then a family family member going deathly sick (Whom I had to began to care for full time till she was moved [to a] home after declining drastically) that made it so the group disbanded only a couple months after being formed. That prevented it from going on - clearly. [Since] life is back on track, [and] I'm reminding myself of what the last couple of years without a Dungeons & Dragons group has erased from my memory I was thinking of running it again. This time I would scale it for a much lower level starting point that was the only problem I had before was I had underestimated how hard some of the task would not be if the players where the level I had them start at. So this time I am thinking of running it at level 3 or 5 for starting. I had originality intended the game to be for level 12's but they where walking there the place to easily for the amount of danger I wanted the place to represent.
It would take me a while to wright up some of the stuff for it, maybe 2 or 3 weeks at most. But, if I was to try to run it here on the forum, whom would be interested in being a player in it, despite this being my [second] time GM-ing.
I would want to keep the game small 6 to 8 active players I think would be about all I could handle.
Actually Kitten, it would be your third, The first you ran at my apartment, the second you ran at your apartment. If you do it, I'd so play it. I wanted that game,(both actually) to run longer than it had. You were surprisingly well thought out for your adventures. You just need to tether them to which version 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, or 4.0. You should also try to find some of the books(DMG, PHB, etc.) from places like Half Price Books. I need 3.5 stuff too, I'll look as well when I can.
KittenPunk, thanks for your proposal, however are you saying being a DM here is something you will do or are you merely checking to see who may be interested?
If you are just looking for players then I will move your Post to the RPG Reviews Board where you can attempt to recruit / deliberate your game.
If you will be a DM then you just start the Threads you need in the Member Wars Board (should be no more than 3-4) with the first one stating your rules, version, what you intend, etc. You may wish to look over this Thread to start: Game Master / Dungeon Master.
I [plan] to attempt to launch a game in about 2 weeks. That is my time table as of right now. I am also seeking a co-DM whom may know the games rule a bit better then me, whom would be willing to run with my story concept but help with the logistics of the setup while I cover creative content.
I will read over the suggested threads. Thank you. I will take time to get all my documents in a row 1st, but if something prevents me from launching the game I will make that information known as soon as it comes up. However baring such a unforeseen situation, once I have everything ready posts for my game will appear in a couple of weeks, when the documents I want to pre-[write] out are ready. Such as the setting, rules ,world information, and custom content are drafted, and I have looked over and finalized them, so I can post them all at one time.
Two of my friends here, added because I know them in real life and have other ways to contact them. I have other gamer friends too. My hope was to use one of them I already know in real life to be my co-GM.
I would ask Luke or Bunny but I would rather them both have the option to be players in the game because I have always admired the fact I can not predict there moves. This unpredictably of the way people play is what draws me to GM-ing rather then just writing.
When I have gamed with them both in the past, I was often thrilled by there skills to play just about anything.
Kit, I think is great that you are planning to run a game: the Member Wars board really needs other options (there are now two new members that joined for Dungeons & Dragons but can't join my game). I would like to give you a couple of tips, since I read you are quite new to [Dungeon Mastering]. Unless you are VERY experienced, don't start from a level higher than the 1st for characters: the most difficult thing is balancing a game and the higher the party level the more difficult it becomes. Moreover, some of the players will be new to Dungeons & Dragons as well and it'll be a hard task for them creating and right away leveling their character. Not to talk about the equipment. Keep things simple: complexity doesn't work in play by post (personal experience: my adventure was intended to be a novel, with twists and turnouts, but this is possible only around a table). Finally, learn all the rules. Even a spotless co-[Dungeon Master] would slow you down dramatically and here being slow = killing the game. 80% of the play by post games die because of that.