So these orbs of light were not separate matter unto themselves and yet part of the grandeur of God? Here is an interesting study of how light and matter interacts...
Why does matter interact with light? Remember, light is a manifestation of electromagnetic force. Matter is made up of charged particles due to the nature of atoms, being composed of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that are in motion. The nuclei in molecules also move with respect to each other. In other words, these are charges that are in motion, and everytime charges are in motion, there will be an electromagnetic force that will be changing with time. Light is an electromagnetic field that is oscillating. It is a wave that can be characterized by a frequency. But light is also a particle - its particle is called a photon and each photon carries a packet of energy that is proportional to the frequency. Matter can absorb the energy from a photon. |
To say "feel" is not exactly right... Our loving intentions and fear plus the interactions between each cell are recorded... only... once entering heaven the fear never makes it to our place in heaven. The fear makes it to the heavens but not heaven. I think the tunnel is some kind of filtering process.
The following is from my own understanding and not to be considered a concept I derived from my NDE. I fact it is not the whole truth but I want to say it because it is heading in the right direction; Hell is sometimes called brimstone but brimstone
does not burn so hot and brimstone was historically used to purify... Example Jesus ...white as snow...
Edited: rudi on 7th Apr, 2006 - 5:35pm