Have you ever watched a pet in REM sleep dreaming? They sometimes interact with humans while dreaming but there is a lot more going on in there... I am struggling with the right words to say about animals in heaven but I do know that some spiritual energy related to animals does not vanish in heaven...
I have been getting daily visits from a Cardinal on my front porch and a
Bluejay on my back porch and they call me until I look at
them and then they go away... It is so unusal. Will those interactions with those birds make it to heaven...Yes so the spirit of those birds are in heaven..
I was walking along the beach a few months ago
about 5 in the morning and a dolphin came out of the
water and then just sat there with its fin out of the water and
started looking at me, It lasted for a few minutes. It
was odd but the dolphin was communicating something to me... It will make it into my Life Review.
Another time I was kayaking in the ocean ia
aand mud was kicked up below me. I thought I saw a huge
shark circling me with its fin out of the water. It
was bigger than my little kayak... and then as it kept
circling it lifted its wing and took a look at me...I
didn't catch any fish because the stingray kept
following me all the way to shore...As I was close to
shore a huge cloud formation formed...the wind started
blowing...and the stingray finally left... I couldn't
help but believe the Stngray was curious about me and
wanted to say something... On my way out of Florida, I
was fishing along a waterway and I saw a muddy cloud
come up...this time... I couldn't catch a fish either
because the manatee was making such a fuss...She
rolled on her back and just looked at me...
There was no fear at all in any of these animals... They were
very present with me... I think all of them were
communicating with me...but what were they attempting to
say or communicate?....It moves into and
from my subconscious but has not been given words yet.
It reminds me of my NDE....I talked to God but it took
20 years to process what happened to put in words my
experience....only I want to process these
communications more quickly...there is a sense of
urgency somehow from these distinct animals... They
are in my mind...but they are also involved with my
my soul and intent... I know my intent will make it to heaven...
I know this seems convoluted and off topic but I am not trying
to dodge the question... I just don't know if I have the words
to say what I know in some kind of clear yes and no answer.
I am a big skeptic, so I usually just leave these alone, but this one piqued my interest and maybe started my interest in NDE's.
I guess the first question I have was how you know animals are in heaven. I understand you believe you saw them in heaven during your NDE. But you mention their souls are in heaven. Why do you believe this? Could the animals that you saw have been created there and the animal here don't have souls?
Next question is your communication with animals. What makes you think they are trying to communicate, and to what end? Animals do not have the brain capacity of humans and cannot use ESP or the like to communicate like some believe humans can. Don't you think it odd that they would be smart enough to communicate to you but not smart enough to realize that you can't understand them?
Final question, why would they suddenly start wanting to communicate with you? Many people have been both spiritual and had a NDE, so why you? According to you, it has been an on going attempt to communicate to you. And I know you might equate that to God trying to communicate through them, but that would be a waste of power. God could simply communicate directly with you if he wanted you to know something.
I did not "see" animals in heaven nor did I see "humans." I saw the loving intentions and I saw ords of light.
As far as communicating with animals and even rocks,,,etc... I believe we communicate with every cell on earth is some fashion... through radiating energy that comes from a place of love or abscence of it in some degree or another...