Mousetrails will likely not Reply to you because he seemed to have gone offline over a year now with his last visit: Apr 10 09, 6:56am. he had many medical ailments but did leave a full record of another book to be read here: Source 8 if you like.
I figured that might be the case when I posted there, looking at the date of his last entry.
I saw that both you and LDS_Forever had posted some comments on this thread and was wondering how you see his views on the sharp contrast between the OT and NT, especially since he seems to have rejected the Old Testament. Doesn't your church teach that Jehovah was the pre-incarnate Christ in the Old Testament? So I was curious how you relate the two since there are such obviously harsher actions and judgments in the narratives there.
He makes some good points, but in this Community we do not mix up religious beliefs in the Boards otherwise there would be mass confusion. For instance this is the Bible Revealed Board so it will be unfair to bring up Mormon beliefs here since references will be made outside of the Bible. Just as it would be unfair to go to the Catholic Board and start talking about what is in the Quran. There should be comments made in the LDS Board, look and see, if not start a Thread. This Thread really needs to focus on just Mousetrails and HIS book because that is what it is about. LDS_forever did read the majority of his book so maybe she can comment.
Hello Skeptik
Thank you for the kind and interesting words. I'm sorry I haven't answered your post sooner. I started the research for Mousetrails 20 years ago and published it in 2005. I was so hopeful that I could turn many people to see what I had discovered, but it didn't work that way at all. It took time for me to realize humans that have made a decision to follow a god they can neither see, nor hear, aren't going to change their minds no matter what the evidence. The people that find my book really interesting are the ones whose parents force-fed them their religion. When I realized that fact I suddenly knew beyond doubt that except for a small number of people in this world I had wasted 13 years of my time. I still enjoy telling the open minded what I found, but I don't push myself like I did.
It has been a long time since I posted on this forum, so I'm feeling my way back into the website. I'm going to send you this, so I don't lose it, then make an effort to answer your questions.
Further reply to Sheptik
OK I went back and made notes, so I can better answer you. Yes, the research was demanding after I got hooked. I really didn't start out to write a book. The whole thing began with me wondering how many humans died in the Old Testament because of the God of the Jews. When I started to scan for the numbers I realized the numbers were written numbers, so I had to read every line. As I read I began to find things I never heard in church. When I ran across the same thing again I would go back and start from the beginning looking now for two threads. Soon it was three, then more and more subjects. I was hooked. I held a 40 hour job and still researched until 2 AM 6 nights a week. When I finished the research I knew I had to tell the world what I had found. So I joined a writers club and the rest is history.
I don't totally discount the Old Testament. I believe it is living history that gor bigger and bloodier every time it was retold. By the time the New Testament was recorded it was from much more recent memory. That is the major difference in my mind. But here is what I came to believe in as few words as possible.
The God of Adam and Eve loved his creation. He walked with them in the cool of the evening and talked with them. I don't believe he ever harmed a hair on his creations head. Then at the golden calf incedent Moses was suddenly begging to see God's face so that he could know him. The new God's first order cost 3000 Israelite their lives for worshiping the golden calf. But the most telling thing to me was his answer to sickness. He told the sick to get out of camp. Don't come near me! He never healed anyone.
To this point I have shown you two Gods. Then one day you have Jesus Christ healing humans with his bare hands and referring to his Heavenly Father, Where did Jesus learn to heal the human body? From his Father, the third God. I believe the Jews had at least three Gods. The first was a kind, loving, God. The second ordered genocide time after time. The third God saw that if the killing kept up humans would cease to exist, so he sent his only Son to teach us peace and love far beyond our pitiful ability to understand.
I hope I have made my belief clear. If not I am still here and this is my favorite subject, so please feel free.
The Bible has many contradictions so its easy to see it as talking about two or more gods but really its just one god with one people writing about it - Jews. Even the Jews who became Christians were still Jews and they wanted a new way of doing things for Israel, a way that didn't make their people fight against their conquerors.