Mousetrails - The First Holy War - Page 9 of 29

All quotes ar from the Douay-Catholic Bible - Page 9 - The Bible Revealed - Posted: 21st Sep, 2007 - 1:05am

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Author: Keith Stephens
6th Sep, 2007 - 5:54am / Post ID: #

Mousetrails - The First Holy War - Page 9

All qoutes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible
But God changed his mind again. Egypt wasn't such a good idea after all. So He told Moses He had seen how the Israelites were being treated in Egypt. Then he said,

"Therefore I have come down to RESCUE them from the hands of the Egyptians and lead them out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey." (Exodus 3:8)

God SENT Israel to Egypt. Now He's going to RESCUE them from Egypt where He sent them. Actually He probably decided their numbers had grown so huge, they could invade Chanaan.

Again He promised Moses;
"You will know that I, the Lord, am your God when I free you from the labor of the Egyptians and bring you into a land which I swore to GIVE Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." (Exodus 6:7)

He told Moses He SWORE he would GIVE the land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But before the next promise, He switched from promises to controlling threats.
"Be careful to observe all my statutes and all my decrees; otherwise the land where I am bringing you to dwell will vomit you out."

Once again (Leviticus 20:24) He promised to GIVE Moses a land full of milk and honey. Then God handed down penalties for sins and told the Israelites to be careful to obey, or the land He had promised so many times would vomit them out! Then again, He held out, 'the promise," to Moses like a carrot for those who obey. But when they arrived at the promised land, he gave them detailed
instructions on how to wage war and drive the peaceful inhabitants out of the land. He PROMISED, He SWORE, generation after generation to GIVE them this land. But when they finally got to Chanaan he told them they would have to take by force, the same land he GAVE to the descendants of Noe. Then, because they were not war-like, and because they were afraid of killing people, their God threw a temper tantrum and told them; ...
"of all the men who have seen my glory and the signs I worked in Egypt and in the desert, and who nevertheless have put me to the test ten times already and have failed to heed my voice, NOT ONE SHALL SEE THE LAND WHICH I PROMISED ON OATH TO THEIR FATHERS. None of these who have spurned me shall see it. But as for you, your bodies shall fall here in the desert, here where your children must wander for forty years, suffering for your faithlessness, till the last of you lies dead in the desert. Forty days you spent in scouting the land; forty years shall you suffer for your crimes: one year for each day.  Thus you will realize what it means to oppose me. I, the Lord, have sworn to do this to all this wicked community that conspired against me: here in the desert THEY SHALL DIE TO THE LAST MAN." (Numbers 14:22)

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9th Sep, 2007 - 7:30am / Post ID: #

War Holy The Mousetrails

Quotes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible
God promised a land of milk and honey to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses over a period spanning approximately 531 years. (Jacob's exact life-span is not given in the Bible, so I used an average span for chosen leaders of 146 years.) For 531 years God led the Israelites on and on with His "milk and honey" carrot until they reached the goal He had set for them, Chanaan. And after all Moses had been through leading a rebellious multitude of Jews across the desert, he was told he could not enter Chanaan because he and his brother Aaron, ...

broke faith with me among the Israelites at the waters of Meribath-Cades in the desert of Sin by failing to manifest my sanctity among the Israelites.  (Deuteronomy 33:51)

I diligently searched the chapter written about the Desert of Sin. (Exodus 16) I can find no reference to Moses failing God in thought or deed, but he paid the price anyway. Moses was growing old, but he was given another task:

12th Sep, 2007 - 5:26am / Post ID: #

Mousetrails - The First Holy War Revealed Bible The

All quotes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible

The Lord spoke to Moses on the plains of Moab beside the Jericho stretch of the Jordan and said to him: "Tell the Israelites: When you go across the Jordan into the land of Chanaan, DRIVE OUT ALL THE INHABITANTS of the land before you: destroy all their stone figures and molten images, and demolish all their high
places. You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have GIVEN you the land as your property. But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those whom you allow to remain will become as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they will harass you in the country where you live, and I WILL TREAT YOU AS I HAD INTENDED TO TREAT THEM" ( Numbers

Although Moses didn't get to enter Chanaan, God was kind enough to let him see it.
The Lord said to Moses,"Go up on Mount Nebo, here in the Abarim Mountains and view the land of Chanaan, which I am GIVING to the Israelites."  Deuteronomy 33:49)

So Moses climbed the mountain to see Chanaan and die.
The Lord then said to him, "This is the land which I SWORE to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that I would GIVE to their descendants. I have let you feast your eyes on it, but you shall not cross over. So there in the land of Moab, Moses, the servant of the Lord died."

God was still SWEARING and GIVING Chanaan to the Israelites 40 years after He turned them back into the desert to die for their rebellion. At this time, He appointed Josue to take Moses" place and told him;
"My servant Moses is dead. So prepare to cross the Jordan here, with all the people, into the land I will GIVE the Israelites." (Josue 1:2)

16th Sep, 2007 - 7:05am / Post ID: #

Page 9 War Holy The Mousetrails

Quotes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible
Time after time, God promised leaders of the Jews he would GIVE them Chanaan. Then he led them to the banks of the Jordan River and told them to kill every man woman and child in Jericho. The word GIVE used so many times in, 'the promise," meant Israel would do all the fighting and killing and after God got all the precious
metals, the land He promised was theirs. Now, at last, we get to the real reason why God increased Israel's population numbers and led them across the desert--gold, silver, bronze, and iron. The land of Chanaan is loaded with gold and silver for the treasury of the Lord!

All silver and gold, and the articles of bronze and iron, ARE SACRED TO THE LORD. They shall be put in THE TREASURY OF THE LORD. The city itself they burned with all that was in it, except the SILVER, GOLD, and articles of BRONZE and IRON, which were PLACED IN THE TREASURY OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD. (Josue 6:19)
The wall collapsed, and the people stormed the city in a frontal attack and took it. They observed the ban by putting to the sword ALL living creatures in the city; MEN AND WOMEN, YOUNG AND OLD, as well as oxen, sheep and asses. (Josue 6:20

This was only the first bloodbath ordered by the God of the Jews. Not only did He order it, He sent the Captain of the Host of the Lord to help fight the battle. ( Josue 5:13 ) God's army annihilated everything that breathed air in the city of Jericho except the harlot Rahab and those in her house. No provocation, no bad blood, and no history of killing. Jericho had precious metals, so God handed it over. Of course, He took all the silver, gold, bronze, and iron for the treasury of the Lord. The promises He made so many times had finally paid off. The Israelite men old enough to fight made an army numbering 603,550. (Numbers 1:45) With His help they would take the land of Chanaan and ALL its gold and silver.

17th Sep, 2007 - 6:38am / Post ID: #

War Holy The Mousetrails

Quotes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible
Time, after time, after time, God promised to GIVE Israel a land of milk and honey. Then He led them to the Jordan River and told them to go take their promised land by force. When they finally did take it, He had the gall (brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolence) to tell them,

"The land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is mine, and you are but aliens who have become my tenants." (Leviticus 25:23)

18th Sep, 2007 - 8:54am / Post ID: #

Mousetrails - The First Holy War

Quotes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible
In, "The Promise," God chose and directed the first five of Israel's leaders, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Josue. To these five, He was a friendly, benevolent God that visited with His chosen leaders face-to-face. After He personally picked Josue, no one saw his face again until He appeared twice
to the last great king, Solomon. The other men He appointed to lead Israel only heard His voice, or were appointed by angels. This partial abandonment let the nation of Israel deteriorate through the generations with only a few moments of glory. The rest of the names on the list of the leaders of Israel are almost never mentioned, but as a group they are interesting. Most of them were "raised up" to lead the Israelites in battle after battle for their freedom. Othoniel, Aod, and Samgar all rescued the Israelites. And after Samgar, Israel lived under it's first female leader:

At this time the prophetess Debora, wife of Laphidoth, was judging Israel. (Judges 4:4)

Israel's next leader was appointed by an angel. When the angel appeared, the next leader was beating out wheat in a wine press to hide it from his enemies. When the angel told him the Lord was with him, he asked a very pointed question.
"My Lord," Gedeon said to him, "if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are his wondrous deeds of which our fathers told us when they said, "Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt? "For now the Lord has abandoned us and has delivered us into the power of Madian." ( Judges 6:13) 
The reason Gedeon felt abandoned was because his God only came around when Israel cried help. He didn't appoint leaders to keep them out of trouble. He waited until they were in trouble, then, "raised them up a savior," But Gedeon picked up the sword and shield and led Israel out of bondage yet again. Israel's next leader was appointed by the people.

Reconcile Edited: mousetrails on 18th Sep, 2007 - 9:03am

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20th Sep, 2007 - 6:19am / Post ID: #

Mousetrails The Holy War - Page 9

Quotes are from the Douay-Catholic Bible

Then all the citizens of Sichem and all Beth-Mello came together and proceeded to make Abimelech king by the terebinth of the military post in Sichem. (Judges 9:6)
The next leader wasn't appointed by God or the people. He "arose."
After Abimelech there arose to save Israel the Issacharite Thola, son of Dodo, a resident of Samir in the mountain region of Ephraim. (Judges 10:1)
There is no mention of how Thola's successor was chosen. We can only guess that he also arose.
Jair the Galaadite came after him and judged Israel twenty-two years. ( Judges 10:3)

Again and again the Israelites left their God to serve others until He got tired of saving them. This time when they cried out for a leader to save them, He told them,
"Did not the Egyptians, the Amorrites, the Ammonites, the Philistines, the Sidonians, the Amalecites, and the Madianites oppress you? Yet when you cried out to me, I saved you from their grasp, you still forsook me and worshiped other gods. Therefore I will save you no more. Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen; let them save you now that you are in distress." (Judges 10:11)

After God totally and completely abandoned the Jews, four men, Jephte, Abesan, Elon, and Abdon judged Israel for a total of 31 years. But they were not picked by God and did nothing noteworthy. Then came a young man that every Christian remembers. But even this man was not picked personally by God. He sent an angel.

21st Sep, 2007 - 1:05am / Post ID: #

Mousetrails The Holy War The Bible Revealed - Page 9

All quotes ar from the Douay-Catholic Bible

An angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, "Though you are barren and have no children, yet you will conceive and bear a son. It is he who will begin the deliverance of Israel from the power of the Philistines." (Judges 13:3)

Heli led Israel after Samson. He was another obscure leader, known to few and forgotten by most. God appeared in person to pick Josue, then never again appeared in person to choose a leader. When He picked Samuel 389 years later,
Samuel only heard His voice.

And the Lord came and stood; and he called, as he had called the other times: Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said: Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. (1 Kings 3:10)
Samuel judged Israel until he was an old man. His sons were not honest, so the people asked him to choose a king to rule them. God sent Samuel Israel's first king.

And Samuel took a little vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said: "Behold, the Lord hath anointed thee to be prince over his inheritance."
Then God split Israel into two nations and anointed a king over Juda.

And the Lord said: "Arise, and anoint him, for this is he." And the men of Juda came, and anointed David there, to be king over the house of Juda. (2 Kings 2:4)
Now, Israel not only has to fight every nation in the region, it is torn in half by it's own God so that Jews start to kill each other! And finally, one more famous king was anointed to rule Israel.

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