Jeff Bezos is now the second-richest person in the world
Amazon share rally adds billions to Bezos' fortunes. Bezos' wealth climbed to $75.6 billion on Wednesday, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Ref. Source 3t.
Image from Wikimedia public domain.
Jeff Bezos (Hover)
I can imagine trying to spend 1/10 of that. I would have a lot of fun doing it too *smile* I think if you are wealthy like this then you should do more to help your fellow man. Maybe sponsor some youth leagues or other things to get kids off the street and doing good instead nothing to do.
Some youth leagues, with kind of money you could sponsor every youth league. Yes, I'd do as much as I could to help people. The problem with being rich is you tend to lose friends because some always have their hand out and like your money more than you. I guess those people really aren't your friend though. I wonder if people like Bezos have friends or even know if they have friends.