California Gangs
Are illegal Gangs prevelant in California? What are the laws governing Gangsters? How many local California Gangs are there and do any of them have ties to foregin illegal gangs?
Gangs, sex trade a growing problem
Many East County residents were alarmed, but not necessarily shocked, earlier this month by the arrest of 22 alleged gang members charged with coercing local schoolgirls into the sex trade. "It wasn't ... Ref. Source 6
1-year-old killed in Compton shooting
Police said the father of a 1-year-old baby killed Tuesday night may have been the intended target in the Compton shooting. Gunshots tore through the door of the converted garage where the family lived, and one struck Autumn Johnson as she was in her crib. Ref. Source 7q.
Four hospitalized after shooting in Sacramento
Original Post Date: 18th Oct, 2010 - 2:19pm
Well this is either related to drug or one of those Asian mafias in California. What do you think?
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