The European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton has called for the extraordinary meeting of the political bloc's 28 foreign ministers, "In light of the tragic deterioration of the situation in Ukraine," According to a statement released by the EU. The meeting will take place in Brussels on Thursday. Ref. USAToday
The government and opposition in Ukraine have announced a truce in escalating violence to allow for negotiations to restart with the aim at stabilizing the situation, a senior State Department official told reporters on a conference call Wednesday, calling the move a "Glimmer of hope." Ref. CNN
Fierce clashes between police and protesters in Ukraine's capital Kiev erupted again Thursday after a truce between the government and the opposition dissolved. Witnesses reported seeing several deaths and the Associated Press said it saw 10 bodies laid out on the edge of the protest encampment in the capital's Independence Square. Others have said the figure is higher. Ref. USAToday
About 100 people have died in the violence in Ukraine since this morning, the chief medical coordinator of the protesters said. At least 500 others have been injured, he said. The Ukrainian government has not released an update on the casualties of the violence. Ref. CNN
Ukraine conflict still escalating
The pro-Russian leader of Ukraine's Crimea region claimed control of the military and police there and appealed to Russia's President Vladimir Putin for help in keeping peace, sharpening the discord between the two Slavic neighbor countries. Ref. Source 2
New Ukraine province in play as ethnic Russians push new secession referendum:
Ukranians in Kherson, the province just north of the peninsula, are believed to be pushing a secession vote of their own in what a local leader angrily denounced as "Treason." Ref. Source 3
A Ukrainian government deadline for pro-Russian activists to lay down their arms and leave occupied buildings passed on Monday with no sign of it being heeded in the eastern cities of Donetsk or Slaviansk. Ref. CNN