Your Own Personality Quiz!
Get your own custom quiz similar to the one already created for JB@Trinidad and LDS_forever. Plus there is FP!
By win all we mean that anyone that can fill the rules below wins, you do not have to worry about being the first or last to do it, so long as you get it all done by 27 April, 2006 at 12pm EST.
Winner: Gets their own personality quiz such as "Could you be my friend". JB@Trinidad will work with you to get the quiz done and uploaded. You will then be able to see who could be your friend or not! The winner also receives an easy 1000FP! that can be invested into the Forum Shop or Arcade!
You must complete all of the following by 27 April, 2006 at 12pm Noon EST.
1. Refer one person (using our refer page) and have them join, and post at least 5 Constructive messages.
2. If you are a regular Member then your post count must be higher than 15 on all days during this contest. If you are an Upgraded Member then your post count must be higher than 30.
3. You must post ONE new topic about a famous Artist in the Art Board.
4. You must post ONE new topic about a house related problem in the Home Improvements Board.
5. You must have sent in your Vote for Member of the Month
6. You must have get at least 15 or more in the Arcade basketball game:
7. You must own a Munjpet.
8. Lastly, to START you must reply to this post BEFORE you do anything and state you are entering the competition as well as what you will do with the FP, so that I can begin seeing tracking if you have done the requirements.