Newsletter - September 2013
The Kind Of World We Live In:
* Adopting A "Cursed" Baby?
* Kids Find Premature Baby In Trash Alive
* Selling Positive Pregnancy Tests
* Racism: Blue Eyes Vs Brown Eyes
Lighter Topics:
* Psychological Vampires & Energy Vampires - by JB
* Diana Nyad - At 64 she swims to Cuba!
* Fashion - Would you wear these shoes?
* Does the US Military Suck?
Chaotic World:
* USA Navy Yard Shooting
* Nina Davuluri - East Indian American
* Is Success Based On Personality?
* Euthanasia Option For Prisoners
Lighter Topics:
* Psychological Vampires & Energy Vampires - by JB
* Autism: Self-Injury How To Stop It
* Are You An Internet Mormon?
* Erin Wrote About God - Teacher Rejected It
RPG Highlights:
World of Medieval, Future Earth and Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game are all on break until the part re-groups.
* What Players Like? Should I Be A GM? <-- Krusten is looking for Players
* Chainmail Rules For Medieval Miniatures
* Dungeons & Dragons: "Men & Magic"