Mouth Wash
Which in your opinion is the best mouth wash?
Do you look for one that burns when you gargle or feels like a just flavored water?
How long can you gargle for with the 'burning' type until you have to rinse (spit)?
Do you look for one that burns when you gargle or feels like a just flavored water? |
How long can you gargle for with the 'burning' type until you have to rinse (spit)? |
A new brand has just been brought out here, called Dentyl, it doesn't work like any other mouth wash that I have seen.
First, it doesn't burn, and it is alcohol free.
The liquid itself, is split into 2 different colors, there is either pink or green on the bottom, then a blue liquid floating on the top.
You then have to shake the bottle to activate the liquid, which then becomes 1 color.
You have to brush your teeth as normal first, then--
You have to rinse around your mouth for 30 seconds with a capful of mouth wash, then gargle for another 30 seconds.
When you spit it out, the plaque and bacteria that has come out of your mouth, is visible in the sink!
What isn't bacteria or plaque is spat out still as a liquid, but the actual plaque and bacteria, you can see in the sink as dark colored congealed 'bits'!
Sounds horrible, I know, but it is frightening when you see it like that, how much bacteria your mouth still carries, even after brushing your teeth!
Listerine has a new mouth wash that doesn't burn as much but kills as much bacteria. I like its citrus flavor, it doesn't "burn" as much as original listerine, but I still get the clean feeling after rising with it. Or perhaps its just that feeling that anything of worth has been annihilated off the surface of my mouth!