Cheesy titles and possible reposting aside I'm looking for a good Hard SF RPG to, one, have fun, and two, to widen my horizon for my own SF Universe, possible RPG, board game, video game, and the way it always goes, eventual movie!
I have a wide view of the supernatural and unexplained while keeping, somewhat, rooted to the ground and my faith, the ever less popular Roman Chatholicism!
I am usually accepting of harsh and derogetory views but don't appreciated God-bashing, Chatholic-bashing, Gay-bashing, Bi-bashing, or Straight-bashing, so let's just keeping the whole ___-bashing category to a minimum, that includes the '___-bashing through the use of clever innuendo'
I think I have some good ideas pulled from several SF companies' games, stories, etc. I find what I've seen of the SF RPG so far interesting and nicely simplified for those of us who don't have time memorize yet another 1000 page book of 'unique and exciting' core rules, only to have it finished and ready to play just as soon as the revised edition 2.0 arrives ((d'oh!))
~*NOTE*~ My postings might get sketchy around finals but the summer is usually my most active time, too bad it's so short, even more so since we got our second computer recently so I'll be on at least every few days. If I don't post for a while it's because I can't 1) figure out something to say, or 2) I don't know how to fit my part in at the current time. I usually have sudden and sporadic bursts of creativity, but a slight, I repeat, SLIGHT, depression has made it a hard resource to come by at the moment.
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