Using Cpanel Email
Cpanel Email system allows you to create mailboxes, forwards and lists.
You can also choose to read your Email online or via your own mail program such as Outlook or Thunderbird.
The great thing about using Cpanel for your mail is if you ever have to move to another host all your settings can go with you (Providing the other host also has Cpanel). This is where custom panels, like what you see at Godaddy Hosting, does not help customers because once you leave Godaddy you have to setup all your mail boxes / forwards again.
Simplicity, that is another great thing about Cpanel. Although I will give some very basic help below you will find that setting up mail boxes and forwarders will be mostly obvious as the Cpanel interface explains all as you input data.
Let's Get Started
In the tutorial below we will assume you have already added on (Established the domains you will be using on the server for mail / website) the domains you will be using in Cpanel.
NOTE: If you have multiple Email accounts to setup then FIRST setup one and test it thoroughly so that you know you have done it right before proceeding to others.
Mail Box
1. To start, first login to Cpanel. If you have several Domains under a reseller account (One domain controlling many other domains) then login as the reseller rather than the individual domain.
2. Go to the "Mail" Section and then select "Email Accounts".
3. On the Email Accounts page you will first see an Email field followed by "@" Then a selection box. In the field you will put the Email address you want and then select the domain you want associated with it. For example: webmaster@[your domain]. In the other fields you put your password (Make sure to save it safe!) and the amount of server space you want to associate with that mailbox. When you are done you simply press "Create Account".
4. Once you entered everything properly you will get a green color notification saying the account was created. You will then see the new Email account just below the notification under "Account @ Domain". You can now make further adjustments to the Email account, but for now you may want to click on the option "More".
5. Under "More" You will have the option to access the Webmail (Check mail online) or Configure Email Client.
Mail Client Configuration
If you choose "Configure Email Client" You will be shown a page with all the info you need to setup for Mac, Live Mail, Outlook, etc. There are even automated scripts that help setup your clients for you! If you know what you are doing try to choose "Secure SSL/TLS Settings" So that when you check mail you will be doing so under secure conditions.
Cpanel Mail Official Documentation
If you need to go more in depth or want something covered that I did not mention do go to: Cpanel Mail Documentation.
Email Account setup: High Quality Video / Low Quality Video
Forwarders: High Quality Video
Mailing Lists: High Quality Video
Other Cpanel: All Videos
Using Cpanel Email (Hover)