Pope Pledges to Baptize Mother's Baby After She Rejects Abortion
A mother who decided to reject her boyfriend's request for her to get an abortion received a surprise call from Pope Francis - who told her he would be glad to baptize her baby.
Anna Romano became pregnant after having a relationship with a married man, who told her he would not help her raise the baby and pressured her to have an abortion. Not wanting to compound one mistake with another, Romano refused and will give birth. In a desperate plea for help, she wrote to Pope Francis for advice. Ref. Source 1
What a wonderful and humble heart has our Pope. I love him. He took the time to call this young woman and offer words of encouragement. In the whole history of the Catholic Church, I have never heard a Pope doing that. This is just one example of why our present Pope seems to want to break the wall between someone so high in power and the people he wants to serve.
Pope's Blessing of Mom Who Rejected Abortion a Model for the Pro-Life Movement
The story was stunning, but maybe it shouldn't have been. Pope Francis, head of the church most known for its unwavering pro-life stance, proved that the issue of abortion is a responsibility for us all. Perhaps you have already read how this man, who surely has a full enough schedule called Ann Romano, the woman who had an affair and is pregnant out of wedlock-and exhibited the spiritual fatherhood he represents. One story's headline called him "A Pope Who Knows How to Pope." The conversation has been widely reported: Source 9