Australian soldiers to undergo training to endure torture
AFP - Australian soldiers will undergo extreme training, including being threatened with dogs, to prepare them for the possibility of capture and torture.
Ref. https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...attacksmilitary
There will be - maybe - some that will disagree, but I think the Australians lost their mind. I can not believe it! Why? Here are my reasons:
- If you will be interrogated by enemies that don't respect the Geneva agreement, no matter what training you had, your will "spit out" everything.
- You can't really get trained when you know that is "not for real".
- I thing these kind of methods are degradations to the human beings.
You can get tortured only in a few places in the world. Here's a thought: DON'T GO THERE!
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 19 1.9%
I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, it's a good idea for military to understand that they might end up in a situation where torture occurs. On the other hand, can you really train for it in a situation where you know you won't be truly hurt, as RaulDrake pointed out?
I once read that the way to endure torture is to concentrate on what you will say, rather than what you won't or can't say. Will it keep you from being tortured? No. But you may have a better chance of keeping your secrets.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Sometimes information must be extracted from an enemy combatant in order to save somebody else's life (information on where IED's have been placed, terrorist camp locations, location of kidnapped soldiers who will have their heads separated from their bodies if they are not found).
At what point does interrogation become torture?
I know we have discussed the morality of torture, but where is that fine line that separates strong interrogation techniques and torture?
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 10.9%
The link to the story doesn't seem to be working, so I'm going off of what has been said before.
No one, I repeat NO ONE can withstand continuous torture. What training in resisting torture accomplishes is just that, the ability to resist giving in. This allows for sensitive information to be moot by the time the person getting tortured cracks or just give in, normally two weeks.
This is actually done in the US as well. There is special training for the various branches of the armed forces. As said, the idea is to give the troops an idea of what techniques that will be used against them and how to survive for as long as you can. I work with a guy that went through such training and he told me something interesting. He said that the best (in a sense worst for the captors) prisoner would be a child. Children are constantly testing boundaries of what they can get away with...it was this analogy that they gave to the captives during this exercise, amongst other techniques. As long as they continue to try and escape (even just formulating plans in their mind) to test their captors, they still hold hope. It is when the hope is lost that they crack.
That helped my friend through most of it. That was until they put him into a small box and he freaked out...a bit claustrophobic.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
I am not sure how I would prepare myself for torture. Anyway you at it is not going to be a fun time or even a unpleasant experience. I think I would not be a good person to torture because I would tell them all kinds of things. Like my hair is blue, the sky is purple, the French are going to invade soon. The earth is dying. I will keep spewing all kinds of stuff just to get them to stop. Who knows if they would actually get anything useful from me. I am not one to give up easy. But then again I have never been really tortured.
It's probably better for them to fight to the death than surrender if they are fighting ISIS or some other terror group. There are fates worse than death. They will almost certainly die anyways if they surrender but not before being treated barbarically.