Jessica Adams
Seventeen years? Are you freaking kidding me! This woman killed her own child! She should be given the death penalty!
Jessica Adams, 24, pleaded guilty in July to third-degree murder in the November death of Cashmiere Hill, according to court records.
She sought to withdraw that plea, saying manslaughter was a more appropriate charge, but was warned by the judge that she risked a first-degree murder conviction at trial.
But The (Easton) Express-Times reports the judge and district attorney confirmed in court Tuesday that Adams would go ahead with the plea deal under which she is to be sentenced to a minimum term of no more than 17 years.
On Nov. 29, police responded to an apartment on the 100 block of N. 12th Street in Allentown. When they arrived, they found a 5-year-old boy who was unconscious and not breathing.
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