People that crave attention are missing something big in their life. They try to force people to give them attention to make up for it but because such attention does not solve the root problem they need more and more attention. This is the vicious cycle of the problem.
Name: Sia
Title: Desperate Friend
Comments: A friend of mine exhibits a lot of attention-seeking behavior. She is a little mix of everything. She is always off doing things and keeping herself busy--but manages to tell everyone her business as if she is trying to make it seem like she is more interesting than she is. I am not trying to be mean but she is incredibly...well, plain, I guess is a good way to explain it. Especially when she has started changing her dressing style. Her proclaimed dress style was "Brown or beige dresses." Now she has been wearing things that are considerably more racy. On the right person it would look sexy but on her it just looks a little desperate.
She is always putting herself at the center of things. When people are talking, she will always interrupt with this tone that says, "I'm here, remember me?" She likes to be the organizer of things but only to ensure that she gets attention. She is not good at organizing events. When things don't go her way she turns sour or bitter and she tries to cover it up like she's joking but I can tell she is irritated.
I have taken to avoiding her and any situations that she will be in because I am tired of dealing with this behavior. It seems so fake and tiring to me. It got to the point that I was "Google"-ing her behavior and was briefly under the impression that she had Histrionic Personality Disorder (much of her behavior is similar to the symptoms of this condition). However, without a professional to diagnose, it is only speculation. If she doesn't have HPD, then she is simply exhibiting behavior typical of a high school girl (fakeness, attention-seeking, etc.)although she is 23 years old.
She also cannot stay in any relationship. She jokes that she is "The guy" in a relationship. She is flirty with everything male with a pulse and I feel that if any guy showed even the slightest interest in her she would be with him, even if she didn't really like him.
As I said, I try to avoid her but it is difficult as we have many of the same mutual friends. The thing is, she is always "Friendly" and "Outgoing" so people don't notice anything odd about how she acts. They think she is just great.
I don't really know what to do about this but thankfully I don't have to worry about it too much longer. I will be leaving in a week and won't have to deal with her ever again.
Does anyone know what could possibly be this woman's deal?
Name: MissCarla
Title: Attention seeking
Comments: Hi, my boyfriend and I are in the "getting to know you" stage of our relationship... I have just started back into boxing to which he said he has no problem with and would thoroughly support me in. Yesterday on the way to the gym he started making off hand and short comments to me in regards to my driving (I was caught in traffic and was stuck which made us late both to the gym and on the way home from work) and other small things. He was then terribly antagonistic toward me. I asked him a number of times if he was ok to which he stated he was ok and was just tired. I asked if it was something I had done to which he told me no. He went on and continued to be snappy and picking at me until I stated firmly that I could see something was bothering him, (he agreed) & he was upsetting me and I really didn't want to talk to him until he had sorted out whatever was going on. When we arrived home, even though he didn't stop, it became an argument to which he admitted that he was jealous of my trainers and wanted to do more for me with my boxing. I"d gone out that day and bught him a set of pads for him to help train me with (he knew this). I was confused and asked if we could leave it there but he didn't refrain. He continued to pick and wise crack for about an hour after we got home... he then told me I didn't/don't show him enough "Love" or affection. (I"m not saying I give him none or absolutely lavish him.. But I show him and tell him that I adore and love him at least six or seven times a day.. hug him heaps.. Run my fingers through his hair while he's driving etc.) I asked what he was saying he then said he couldn't be in a relationship with someone who can't show him more affection. I then told him this was getting out of hand and I wanted to go for a drive and probably stay with my sister overnight because it was really upsetting me. He then said if I left for the night he wouldn't be here the next day and I wouldn't see him again.
I told him that I"m too old for this and if he wanted to leave to leave and if I wasn't giving him what he wanted he should seriously consider leaving. I told him I love him very much but I can't stay in a relationship where he has one foot outside the door and where he is so volatile for no apparent reason when I haven't done anything wrong.
This stopped him cold. He apologised and we finished the night and went to bed. I cried most of the night.
This morning at the gym he interrupted my training on a couple of occasions and then refused to do promise pad work with me. He then started to nit-pick at me again on the way home. He then confessed when we got home after he had upset me the same way as last night when I asked that he tell me the problem that it was because he is jealous and wants more of my attention. He admitted this was a major factor of last night.
I got really upset and I can't believe he would jeopardise the relationship to the point of breaking up for some attention either negative or positive. Now I am in a rut... I don't know what to do.
At home when we're alone he's always within touching range. I can't shower without him wanting to come in, if I"m on the computer he stands behind me and watches what I type, if I"m texted by friends or family he will check my phone or look over my shoulder when I read it. I can't be in another room of the villa without him coming in to find me. This may be exaggerated by the last 24 hrs. But I feel as if he's watching me all the time when he's home. What do I do? I need advice.
If I am in the middle of training (not in the ring obviously) he will come up and interrupt me in the middle of a set or prep for a hug or a kiss or will grab me physically (firmly not harsh) & move me to hug him or kiss him. It not only breaks my concentration but break the flow of training. I'll be at the computer typing or researching for study and he will put his head in front of mine and try to "Pash" me. I get cold sores and I"ve been advised by my doctor not to kiss any one while I have them... he has been told this but will deliberately kiss me full on the mouth even when I have protested and become upset with him for doing so.
For me 2010 I ended a relationship that ended up with me being kidnapped, tortured and raped for 8 hrs because my ex was insecure and jealous... So I am extra afraid that my new partners insecurities and jealousy will become a cage for me.
So what do I do?
I agree with HoneyT, the start of any relationship has to be the time where you look for clues about the true nature of the person covered by all the romance and niceties. If it is that they have this constant need of your attention then that is a big red caution sign that you will be in for a lot more that you may want to give. Be careful.
Name: Somewhat
Title: Girls n' attention
Comments: I have a friend who dresses provocatively to gain attention. It is obvious to me that she like to feel as though she is beautiful. It annoying being around her because she:
1. Tries so hard to just be the center of attention that each moment is about her and not about having fun.
2. She has to tell me about the guys who hit on her or ask her out, why do I care its common thing for guys to do.
Name: Trev
Comments: Attention seeking persons are like leeches - they suck the life out of everything around them or at least they try to. From observation I notice most people cannot detect this at first or second or third time if ever because they use tactics to make you pity them and feel sorry for them if you don't give them the attention they want.