Fear is terrorism. Today people pay to see fear and feel fear as in horror shows but there are also those who are happy to see people afraid they are called "terrorists" because they want to see people afraid. Fear has its part, it keeps people in a sort of readiness or it can make them move direction. I do believe we have been fighting fear, fighting terrorists, but I also believe sometimes the fear is in ourselves and we must overcome it.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
QUOTE (chief) |
I also believe sometimes the fear is in ourselves and we must overcome it. |
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
I have always been a lover of the North American Indians. Had I been born one I think I would be happy to wear the eagle's feather, and fight for my people. Concerning the topic, I had to look through the Thread to see if I said something, and was surprised to see I did not.
Basically, for the American Indians they may see this the invasion of their country as not only a war, but there were many accounts of rogue lawless cowboys who committed acts of terrorism, and did all possible to provoke the American Indians to anger. Keep in mind that 99% of the time terrorism is attached to something political, even if it is in the name of religion.
In answer to the provocation the American Indians would fight and then it would look like they were attacking the White man. The ultimate goal being the land that the American Indians had. Therefore, were the American Indians fighting terrorism since 1492? I believe they have / are since they never got back any of their lands.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
All very true what you said Jb. I also add that our people have become diverse. It is not clear who is ture blood and who is not. The attacks on people may be more about views rather than a certain look. Atacks on peace, protecting the environment, and keping our lands from the hands of greedy developers is the war now.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 11 1.1%
I agree with the picture, but it is too bad the Europeans were sneaky and dishonest and were not fought off enough.
Malexander I am sure you believe it was not terrorism, but this is because you do not know things that I know. You were not taught true history in school and neither was I. Over the years I have learned things they will not teach you in school because most of us are taught by a biased system. Rape, murder, damming off water supplies, kidnapping children, forcing people to give up their culture and religion, this is terrorism. Secretly sterilizing indigenous women when they go to the doctor for any issue is terrorism. Please take it upon yourself to read up on things and you will find out about this terrorism for yourself.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 5 0.5%
Name: Zip
Comments: I think it's interesting that most of the comments I read on this thread are interpreting this shirt as a commentary on the legitimacy of the Indian Nations, while my first instinct was to read it as a commentary on the legitimacy of the (colonial) United States.
So, I did not read the question posed as, did the Indians have a right to fight back (aka, are the whites invaders or terrorists)? I read the question as, did the whites have a right to come at all? and the specific use of the word "terrorist" further implied, to me, the question, does one have a right to defend sovereignty (that of US gov't.) unfairly sought and won?
This is at least partially, I think, a consequence of training (college history classes) and semantics: what everyone on the thread seems to be getting at in searching for a definition of terrorism, and whether or not that definition differs from that of invasion. But one answer that I have heard a lot, and that I think is fairly prominent in mainstream leftist thought, is some combination of "there isn't one" and "invasion is more legitimate that terrorism." So taking this as read (assuming that this was the definition that informed the creators), the implication is that the ONLY difference between invading whites and terrorist Muslims is that the whites won, and have had time to re-write history in a way they like.
Interestingly, to even pose those questions that I read in this shirt, the answer to the question that I didn't read must be assumed - the answer must be, of course Indians had a right to fight back, and of course the whites are invaders/terrorists (what's the difference?). Questioning the legitimacy of US sovereignty doesn't make sense without taking these answers as given.
So, every reading is legitimate, of course. And perhaps, from what I've read on this site, I will think twice about wearing this shirt again in certain company. But I really like this shirt, and that is a consequence of my own interpretation of it, and that is why I wanted to share with everyone on this thread. Also, maybe some of you will come to agree with it, and wear this shirt (that I really like!) also.
Name: Red
Comments: While the government worries over terrorism abroad there is terrorism among our people in a subtle form. I selected the US flag since it is required but there should be one for the nations.