Italy Seniors & Aging Citizens
In your experience who are the best known Senior Citizens Care Homes in Italy? You may also like to consider how Senior Citizens or their children in Italy commonly select Senior Citizens Care Homes. Are Senior Citizens Care Homes in Italy known based on experience or referral?
What is the average cost of Senior Citizens Care Homes?
What kind of care is given in Italy for Seniors & Aging Citizens?
Do Italy Seniors & Aging Citizens have any government support or medical benefits?
Remote Italian village could harbor secrets of healthy aging
To understand how people can live longer throughout the world, researchers in the United States and Italy have teamed up to study a group of 300 citizens, all over 100 years old, living in a remote Italian village nestled between the ocean and mountains on the country's coast. Ref. Source 9y.
Since it is a remote village it may have something to do with them living closer to nature and eating things that are more natural. Less stress too is a contributing factor which is mostly associated with city life.
Common psychological traits in group of Italians aged 90 to 101. In remote Italian villages nestled between the Mediterranean Sea and mountains lives a group of several hundred citizens over the age of 90. Researchers have identified common psychological traits in members of this group. Source 4k.