What Makes A Sequal Good?

What Sequal Good - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 12th Oct, 2007 - 8:31pm

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21st Nov, 2004 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

What Makes A Sequal Good?

In the past few years, more and more sequals are being made, with the idea that if the first one succeeded, why not make anothe similar to it? That would be very easy! Same characters, same voices if it's a cartoon, and basically the same set. Unfortunately, most of these sequals have failed to match the first one. Why do you think it happened? Lord of The Rings, for example, or Harry Potter are good series all the way through. What made these series succeed and others fail?

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22nd Nov, 2004 - 6:15am / Post ID: #

Good Sequal Makes What

Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings had sequels because their storylines required it. Most sequels that try to capitalize on successful movies are sad attempts to rehash the original storyline, or to create new plots with essentially the same sets and characters. This is a recipe for disaster. My view is - if the first movie stands on its own, don't cheapen it with a lame sequel. If the first movie requires additional films to finish the story, make the sequels completely consistent with the original. The 'Back to the Future' series was a fairly entertaining, nearly seamless example.

22nd Nov, 2004 - 6:28pm / Post ID: #

What Makes A Sequal Good? Sports & Fashion Music Movies

There are a lot of good sequals out there, and I am a big fan of the good ones. The following lists my favorite movies having sequals:

Star Wars
Lord of The Rings
James Bond Movies - are these really sequals though?
The Mummy
Bourne Identity

Bad Sequals:
Karate Kid
Look Who's Talking

Post Date: 22nd Nov, 2004 - 9:04pm / Post ID: #

What Makes A Sequal Good?
A Friend

Good Sequal Makes What

I think keeping the same actors and actresses in them make a movie sequal great also keeping along the same story line, and keeping the same director...

Post Date: 23rd Nov, 2004 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

What Makes A Sequal Good?
A Friend

Good Sequal Makes What

Good sequels take you down a new road; bad sequels take you back the way you came. Like someone mentioned above there are a lot of bad sequels which simply rehash the previous plot with only cosmetic changes. Most movies do not even need sequels, especially comedies. Did anyone really wonder what happened to the Ghostbusters after the first movie? Why have a sequel to Police Academy that follows them after the academy?


23rd Nov, 2004 - 12:53am / Post ID: #

What Makes A Sequal Good?

QUOTE (Hiestand2000 @ 22-Nov 04, 6:04 PM)
I think keeping the same actors and actresses in them make a movie sequal great also keeping along the same story line, and keeping the same director...

That's exactly what I think makes a bad sequal. Usually when you are in that atitude of trying to have a movie with same characters, set, etc., first, it's boring. No new characters or ideas. Also, when the director concentrates so hard on what made the first movie good, and trying to copy that, he doesn't try to have something better than the first, therefore - if it's not worse, it's not better too.

I think the key is to maybe keep the old characters, but also introduce new ones, and new ideas. I'll use Harry Potter as an example. The first book: great. Introduction of the Dursleys, the trio, of the school, of Quidditch, and of Voldemort. That is a good book by itself, and a foundation for the entire series.

Second book: of course she keeps the three main students but also introduces more characters: Ron's sister (I forgot what she's called), the photographer boy (same here) and a few important ideas, mainly Voldemort's and Hagrid's shared history.

But the second book did seem a bit downhill. Why? It was repetitive. Voldemort tries to kill Harry, he fails, Harry ends up in the hospital ( laugh.gif ), and the dark powers teacher has to be switched (That's a recurring theme of her's. I don't know why.)

So what does she do in the third? No Voldemort! And as much as we would think that an Harry Potter book without voldemort is like an apple pie without apples, it was good (I personally think it was the best of the first three.)

So you get my point. Lord of the Rings was originally one book, and only later divided into three others, so that's a different story. biggrin.gif

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Post Date: 1st Sep, 2007 - 11:24am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

What Makes Sequal Good


I blame `Aliens.` Even though `The Godfather: Part II` had proved in 1974 that a sequel could be both financially and critically successful, it was James Cameron's exhilarating 1986 monsters-meet-the-military take on Ridley Scott's elegant space nightmare `Alien` that really stirred things up.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,...05781,00.html

12th Oct, 2007 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #

What Makes Sequal Good Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Got to have something to follow like how the matrix was telling the story and making you want more and more.

> TOPIC: What Makes A Sequal Good?


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