Hello all. My name is Val. I just moved from Las Vegas to New Jersey. I am a full time student studying fashion marketing.
I stumbled upon this site by accident. I was having one of those nights where it just felt as though something was missing. Although I am a college student, my chosen field has me surrounded by a group of people very different from myself. I feel as though a lot of them are there because they had no other options. They complain about art and history classes. It is becoming frustrating. I am being left to feel like the outcast.
This is what brings me to this site. I crave more stimulating conversation. I want to think "outside of the box". I'm afraid that if I don't get it I am doomed become lazy and turn into one of these drone-like humans.
Hi There
It is good to see you are interested in the Fashion Industry. We have the Modeling Board as well as the Photography Board to help you learn more / share your experiences. However, before you get started, you may wish to look over the following links as they will help you become familiar with how the Community runs. Do enjoy your stay.
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