Autism: Dirty looks from people
Autism Related Issues
Name: Bo
Comments: My son is autistic. When we go out he starts a tantrum sometimes and of course people give me dirty looks like I should be doing something about it. I hate it! I don't feel like going out anymore.
Now this I can relate to! The public make you feel like you are the worst parent in the world... And there's not a lot you can do about it.
I've now come to thinking that most of these people you'll never see again anyway, so it doesn't really matter about their ignorance!
We have now been given a print out card with a short explanation that our child is Autistic, to show the next lot of over involved public next time our Daughter has one of these screaming/tantrum fits whilst we are out shopping.
I think that it's quite a good idea, and may just catch on.
I must admit you are far nicer than I would be DianC, I think the card is a nice Idea but mine would have a nastey end to it as I really can not stand people sticking their nose into my business where child rearing is concerned.
I have seen this occur in public with my children and they do ask why the child is being so nasty then I remind them not all children are the some some do have imbalances that over power them and they can not help themselves. I have explained to my boys many of the more visual dysfunction people might have down to simple facial tics. If more would do this with their families I think you might find a lot less attention being given to a sudden tantrum from any child.
After all mine try to pull tantrums in a store and they had no excuse but thought they could just bully me into what they want.
I recall my youngest acting up so I slapped his rear one in the store and a lady threatened to call childrens aid. A older lady beside me told the young single girl to push off and mind her own business. So know it is the minority who are in the dark that stand out I think the rest don't core one way or the other or understand having been there and done that. Hang in there we are rooting for you as you are the most patient parents of us all.