Amish Community Not Anti-Technology Just More Thoughtful
Religious Based News
The Amish are perceived as shunning technology, but it's more complicated than that. Many Amish communities embrace newer technologies such as power tools and word processors, but only after determining they won't harm the community or disrupt family life.
Sometimes I wish I could live an Amish lifestyle of being on a farm and having everything fresh without chemicals and hype but then again I don't like any kind of extremism and the Amish are ridiculously extreme.
From all the Amish communities I have visited I find there is some good that comes out of them. While they do not use a lot of advanced technologies they still rely on some of them. They will have a person with a vehicle take them into a big town to order and buy lots of goods such as lumber or other building materials they can not get at home. Then have it delivered to them via a truck. I used to do the delivering. I think many can learn a lot from them and see who it was in simpler times. You have much less strife and turmoil in that type of society I have seen.
They live a very hard life doing without modern technology. I admire them for doing so. It would not be something I could ever do myself. I am too spoiled with modern conveniences. Sometimes I long for simpler times though. We have so many distractions and worries that they don't have. Modern technology is so amazing but we seem to be losing the human touch a little.
Living an Amish lifestyle is to be extreme. I think balance in all things is wise. You can have your feet on the ground, understand the process of nature and still have technology available when needed.
While they might have some good points to a healthier lifestyle it still doesn't warrant the ignorance that may set on certain issues. It is a religion, not just a commune and they interpret what they think god wants them to do.
Its also, in my view, kind of hypocritical to not want to be involved in technology but they don't mind others using it to shuttle their purchases.