I understand and agree, however keep in mind that because the Church is a lay ministry you will
find that not everyone will be diligent enough in 'covering all areas'. You may get a great seminary teacher this year and then one that is not so good the next. I believe the best place to learn the most about this aspect of Celestial Marriage and Families is right within the walls of our home. You teach your daughter, rather than hope others do it correctly. Personal reading of the scriptures and a study of the book called, 'Achieving a Celestial Marriage' will give you more insight. (That is an institute manual, it is cheap and easily available).
Offtopic but, I can tell you that LDS_forever and I often Discuss the doctrine amongst ourselves and here. Our understanding has improved five fold as compared to what we get at Church waiting for everyone to get pass discovering the Book of Mormon is true. Maybe Family Home Evening sessions will help with your husband presiding. This will help him too. |