USA Alternative Energy
Which are the most used Alternative Energy technologies used in USA?
Are energy consumers offered Alternative Energy in USA?
Is USA Alternative Energy consumption causing the government to look at Green Energy?
Cover the U.S. In 89 percent trees, or go solar. Researchers found that using bio-sequestration to capture carbon produced by US coal-fired plants even after carbon capture and storage would require using 62 percent of the nation's arable land for that process, or 89 percent of all US land with average forest cover. In comparison, offsetting the amount of carbon produced by manufacturing solar panels is 13 times less land, making it a far more viable option. Source 9h.
Here in Iowa we are producing more than 30% of our energy usage by harnessing the wind. We have wind farms that make good use of the land and still allow it to be farmed to grow crops and even raise livestock. I know that Solar power is a very viable option here in Iowa too. I think the rest of the USA can learn a lot by the way we are doing things and using a combination of wind and solar power the USA could produce a lot of energy from alternate power and reduce a lot of its carbon footprint and make it much greener in its energy usage.