No, I don't think that THE antichrist has shown himself. I am not even certain that it is a single individual. It certainly isn't George W. Bush. (However, it COULD be Al Gore )
No, seriously, if there is a single individual, I think he will come out of the Middle East. Mainly because Isaiah refers to the "Assyrian King". Assyria is part of modern Iraq.
Yes and No. First I believe that the anti-Christ in the Book of revelation is a type, not a specific literal person. I believe this because very little in the book is literal, but types. (that is another discussion for another time.) Their are 2 beasts related to the anti-Christ. 1 is by water and the other by land. The one associated with the anti-Christ is the beast that gives the mark of 666 on the and and forehead. We are told no one will be able to buy or sell without this mark. 666 is figurative, 6 is one less then seven the number of completeness, holy I.e. the earth completed in 7 days. Therefore this beast bearing the mark of 666 meaning incomplete, less then holy, (3 the number of Godhead), thus an unholy trinity of something that that will rival God's kingdom. The place of the mark hand and forehead are significant. Hand meaning actions, and forehead meaning thought. Thus those who will buy by the beast will do so with action and thought. The beast represents the economy, no one will buy without this mark. To participate in Babylon you will have to live by its rules which are "you can get anything in this world with money, and by taking advantage of others. satan talks about how to buy in this world. in the temple. The other beast by water represents chaos I.e. the sea. He is the political forces and world governments who rule. babylon if you will. So yes we have had many anti-christs, hitler, Nero, and Caeser, for examples, and all world leaders who live by Babylon standards. For the best is a type of leaders who will rule over babylon.
When I was reading through Revelations and I came across the part about the mark on your hand and on your head, the first thing that came to my mind was the convenience of technology. The government could use an implant in your hand or your head to buy/sell things, as well as keeping track of everything you do. It would be your social status, built on how wealthy you are.
Why do you think it would be an ex-member? Why not an active leader?
If Isaiah really does talk about these days, with the Church being called Israel and Ephraim, then I find it much more likely that we should look into the our own house before assuming that such a leader would come from the rolls of "ex" members.
Actually, based on my understanding of Isaiah, I doubt that he will come from the Church at all. He will come out of Assyria. Now whether that means that he will come from Iraq, or from a spiritual Assyria, I can't say. I just do find it very interesting that Assyria (Iraq) has been such a major player in history over the last two decades.
Nighthawk said:
Why do you think it would be an ex-member? Why not an active leader? |