Quade Introduction

Quade Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 30th Apr, 2006 - 5:24pm

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Post Date: 30th Apr, 2006 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #

Quade Introduction
A Friend

Quade Introduction

Hey! The name's Quade, and I'm new to these boards. It's my first time here, and I don't really know what I want here or what my goals are. Find some way to pass the time is as close as it comes, I guess...

I'm currently going through my final months of high scool, and life here is crazy. I need some way to chill out, kick back and relax - get my mind off things for a few wee hours. I've always had a place for fantasy and sci-fi in my heart, so who knows, perhaps I've found just the place I've been looking for.

Well, anyhow - that's all about me for now!

Be reading ya,

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Post Date: 30th Apr, 2006 - 5:24pm / Post ID: #

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Introduction Quade

Welcome to the forum, Quade. You will want to familiarize yourself with the rules of the forum, and also check the FAQ sections for information on how to post constructively here. This forum is an intellectual one, first and foremost, so your participation is key in determining your status with us. Take a read of the topics and writing styles of others, and begin posting when you feel you have something to share. Thanks!

Contribution: | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Conservative
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Forty Something | Joined: Reg. 30th Apr, 2004 - 8:51pm
Signature: Sooner or later the things you own end up owning you.

> TOPIC: Quade Introduction


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