For those of you who use the Browser known as 'Mozilla Firefox', please state which downloadable extension is your favorite. You may wish to elaborate on why you prefer the specific extension over the others that are available.
If you get one extension for firefox that you get, you have to get the tab browsing preferences extension. This extension ultimately gives you true customizable tabbed browsing. There are actually a couple other new browser extensions that enable things like close boxes on each tab and speed tabbing. I also like the forecaster fox, but the tab browsing is bar none the best feature and extension of firefox.
Just reading this thread topic I realized that I did not even know how many different extensions were available for download nor did I know what features they offered. If anyone is interested the official list of extensions can be found here.
One of the simplest extensions out there is the Windows Update. To me this should just be a default. What it does is places a link in FireFox so you can update Windows via IE. Nothing big, but useful. I also have a multi-clock which gives me different time zones at a glance. This is useful for knowing the time when chatting with someone from a particular country.
While this isn't exactly an extension, it is in a way. I installed the Google toolbar for Firefox a few days ago. The main thing I do with it is to use the spell check. It is great! It instantly checks my posts, and highlights any words that are spelled incorrectly. Then, I can click on the word, and get a good listing of possible alternatives.
Now, I would gladly use the InternationalDiscussions toolbar, except it doesn't work with Firefox for OS X.
I highly recommend the Google toolbar.
I have recently installed a blogger extension and a bittorrent extension which gives quick search ability for multiple torrent sites and the ability to "blog this" on blogger.com for any subject I have browsed to. I consider google toolbar an extension and give it a thumbs up like Nighthawk.