"Well I guess the right lady has not come along yet. I do know otherwise. Maybe my camera scares them off or when they see all my Role-playing Game books and games along with my Xbox they feel that I am not mature enough. But that is just my relaxation activities."
"Xbox, wow I never could see you playing video games. I thought you might be into carving, fishing or building models. So what games do you like?"
Krusten notices this new guy is becoming too cool for an 'older' guy. She listens to what his game choices are before saying anything more.
"Role playing? You mean like where you pretend to be the knight in shinning armor that has to destroy the dragon and rescue the princess?"
"Oh, I find that sexist! Why should the knight assumed to be a male and the female is the one that needs rescuing?" Krusten shows visible displeasure at the concept as though she were an activist for the cause.
"Wait a minute you said LIKE. Yes it is like that but I never said the good person had to be a male or the one need of rescue had to be a female. That is a issue with society today. People always getting offended when no offense was issued. I am sorry you took offense. I will be heading out. Nice meeting the both of you."
With that George stands up and walks out the door shaking his head.