A bit taken aback by the response of the strange man to Candy... Krusten sarcastically says,
"Well that is what happens when you're in a sauna!"
Candy is beginning to wonder if they shouldn't call security. After all how do you go into a sauna tub and think you shouldn't be wet? Candy glances at the man's eyes looking to see if he might be using something illegal.
Krusten looks at Candy and looks at the guy and looks back at Candy and wonders if she is hearing right. She still hasn't gone back in the sauna and she wonders if she will enter ever again because of "Wet" Water.
Candy calls over Krusten to a part of the room where they can sit without being in the water. Then in a whisper she says,
"Did you see his eyes? He might be either sniffing or smoking something, what do you think?"
She looks over at the strange guy and then back at Krusten.
"Yes, yes... That's why he probably doesn't know where he is or even what he is doing. Do you think we should call security or maybe even 911 for an ambulance?"
"Nah, let's leave him a bit. Either he will just get up and leave, mellow out and sleep where he is at or suddenly find himself back in reality although I've heard the withdrawals can suck."
Candy clearly did not know much about drugs but she did not know anything about this guy either so her guess was as good as anyone's.