"Well I was doing pretty Ok until just now. I thought I was coming here to relax and instead I'm all stressed out now."
Krusten takes a deep breath to try and get her spirits good again.
Krusten taps Candy on her shoulder quickly and says under her breath,
"Wait, wait, he is coming back... Oh boy this is going to be difficult. Can't he make up his mind?"
"OKay okay don't get upset, he probably just wants to be alone and we are getting in his 'space' so if we leave him alone maybe he will leave us alone. Come let's sit down here and talk about something positive, shall we begin with your love life?" She laughs hoping to get Krusten's nerves to calm down.
"Love life? I thought you wanted to talk about something positive?" She cracks a smile and then continues, "Haven't been thinking about it lately, so busy with work you know... And you?"
While talking with Candy, Krusten can't help but see the strange guy doing all sorts of crazy things with the water. She talks to herself... "That's drugs for sure..."
"Oh don't mind him, he'll just keep doing whatever, no point coming all the way here to worry over some strange guy."