"I just think animals need to have their own lives, you know what I mean? Who gave us the right to kill so many animals." Candy breeds a heavy sigh as though the weight of this topic has been on her shoulders for many years.
"Anyways, so what do you like taking pictures of?"
"...or women in bikinis on the beach?" Says Krusten in a cheeky way. "And don't tell me you're not a looker because then you're not a man, unless..." She catches herself mid word and says, "You're gay..." Then trying to fix it all she adds, "Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, I'm just saying."
" , Yes I look at girls in bikinis and any other nice looking ladies in nice outfits. Even the girls who look trashy will get a glance but then my eyes go back to other things. Just as I am sure that you ladies never notice a nice looking guy walking into a room or on the beach."
"Did you say trashy? You're definitely a guy, a straight one too." She laughs and then says, "Sure, I don't mind some eye candy but most of the good looking guys tend to be taken or gay so you know..." She laughs again while mixing her drink a bit.
"Oh, so you're single? You have a face like a person that's married, you know settled in, I wouldn't of thought of you as single. So... Why are you single?"