![Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Character Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Character](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
Here is the Rogue:
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
[Strength].- 10/0
[Dexterity]- 18/+4 (Racial Modifier)
Con- 12/+1
Int- 15/+2
[Wisdom]- 10/+0
[Charisma]- 11/+0
HP- 10 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30
Initiative- +4
AC- 16
Touch- 14
Flat-Footed- 12
Fortitude- 1
Reflex- 6
Will- 0
BAB- +0
CMB- +0
CMD- 14
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
*Acrobatics/ 8=4+1+3
*Appraise/ 6=2+1+3
*Bluff/ 4=0+1+3
*Climb/ 0=0+0+0
*Craft/ 2=2+0+0
*Diplomacy/ 5=0+1+4
*Disable Device/ 8=4+1+3
*Disguise/ 0=0+0+0
*Escape Artist/ 8=4+1+3
Fly/ 4=4+0+0
Handle Animal/ 0=0+0+0
Heal/ 0=0+0+0
*Intimidate/ 0=0+0+0
Knowledge(Arcana)/ 2=2+0+0
*Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 2=2+0+0
*Knowledge(Local)/ 7=2+1+4
Knowledge(Nature)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nobility)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Planes)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Religion)/ 2=2+0+0
*Linguistics/ 2=2+0+0
*Perception/ 4=0+1+3
*Perform/ 0=0+0+0
*Profession/ 0=0+0+0
Ride/ 4=4+0+0
*Sense Motive/ 4=0+1+3
*Sleight of Hand/ 8=4+1+3
Spellcraft/ 2=2+0+0
*Stealth/ 9=4+1+4
Survival/ 0=0+0+0
*Swim/ 0=0+0+0
*Use Magic Device/ 0=0+0+0
Languages Known: Common, Dwarven, Elven
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Finesse
Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack
Honeyed Tongue
Blade of the Society
Black Sheep/ Titus Scarnetti
Starting Money= 160gp
Short Bow/ 2 lbs. 1d6
Dagger/ 1 lbs. 1d4
Dagger/ 1 lbs. 1d4
Leather Armor/ 15 lbs.
40 arrows/ 6 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
Crowbar/ 5 lbs.
Grappling Hook/ 4 lbs.
Common Lamp/ 1 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Oil Flasks/ 1 lbs.
Caltrops/ 2 lbs.
Whetstone/ 1 lbs.
Waterskin/ 4 lbs.
Total Weight= 76 lbs.
Light Load= 33 lbs.
Medium Load= 66 lbs.
Heavy Load= 100 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 100 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 200 lbs.
Drag/Push= 500 lbs.
Remaining Money= 70gp 6sp 8cp
And I'll post the Sorcerer tomorrow.
Here is the Sorcerer (My personal favorite):
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
[Strength].- 12/+1
[Dexterity]- 15/+2
Con- 12/+1
Int- 15/+2
[Wisdom]- 15/+2
[Charisma]- 19/+4 (Racial modifier)
HP- 8 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30
Initiative- +6
AC- 13
Touch- 12
Flat-Footed- 11
Fortitude- 4
Reflex- 4
Will- 4
BAB- +0
CMB- +1
CMD- 13
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
Acrobatics/ 2=2+0+0
*Appraise/ 6=2+1+3
*Bluff/ 4=4+0+0
Climb/ 1=1+0+0
*Craft/ 6=2+1+3
Diplomacy/ 4=4+0+0
Disable Device/ 2=2+0+0
Disguise/ 4=4+0+0
Escape Artist/ 2=2+0+0
*Fly/ 2=2+0+0
Handle Animal/ 4=4+0+0
Heal/ 2=2+0+0
*Intimidate/ 4=4+0+0
*Knowledge(Arcana)/ 8=2+1+5
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Local)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nature)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nobility)/ 2=2+0+0
*Knowledge(Planes)/ 5=2+0+3
Knowledge(Religion)/ 2=2+0+0
Linguistics/ 2=2+0+0
Perception/ 2=2+0+0
Perform/ 4=4+0+0
*Profession/ 2=2+0+0
Ride/ 2=2+0+0
Sense Motive/ 2=2+0+0
Sleight of Hand/ 2=2+0+0
*Spellcraft/ 7=2+1+4
Stealth/ 2=2+0+0
Survival/ 2=2+0+0
Swim/ 1=1+0+0
*Use Magic Device/ 8=4+1+3
Languages Known: Common, Celestial, Infernal
Empower Spell
Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Skill Focus K(Planes)
Weapon Finesse
Enlarge Spell
Special Abilities:
Eschew Materials
Elemental Ray 7/day
Two-World Magic/Create Water
Arcane Student
Outlander/Lore Seeker - Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Mage Armor
Level 0 (Cantrips):
Spell Save DC: 14
Create Water
Acid Splash
Ray of Frost
Detect Magic
Level 1:
Spell Save DC: 15
Spells per Day: 4
Summon Monster I
Mage Armor
Starting Money= 80gp
Morningstar/ 6 lbs. 1d8
Dagger/ 1 lbs. 1d4
Scholar's Outfit/ 6 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Hooded Lantern/ 2 lbs.
2 Oil Flasks/ 2 lbs.
Waterskin/ 4 lbs.
Total Weight= 38 lbs.
Light Load= 43 lbs.
Medium Load= 86 lbs.
Heavy Load= 130 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 130 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 260 lbs.
Drag/Push= 650 lbs.
Remaining Money= 50gp 2sp 0cp Edited: Trake on 8th Oct, 2013 - 6:50pm
Thank you for your help in creating characters for players to choose from, If you would like you may create as many characters as you would like and choose from any class and race you find appealing, giving potential players a wider variety to choose from.
If you are interested I wouldn't mind sharing the overseeing of character creation and approval. I am quite new to Pathfinder myself and would like to make this Role-playing Game as enjoyable and exciting as possible. If any new potential players state their interest I invite you to help them with the process of creating a character in the event they don't want to choose a pre-created character or make changes to those that you have already made. You are a very fast learner and get the game logistics with ease. Please make sure to have the final draft looked over by myself for final approval.
Thank you once again for your help and creative participation. I enjoy playing with you, you keep the role-playing interesting and insightful.
Thank you for your kind words. I would be more than happy to help you oversee character creation for other players. I will make some more characters and post them as I create them. To tell you the truth, I really enjoy creating the characters.
Name: Salius Vistin
Race: Human Male
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
[Strength].- 12/+1
[Dexterity]- 15/+2
Con- 12/+1
Int- 15/+2
[Wisdom]- 15/+2
[Charisma]- 19/+4 (Racial modifier)
HP- 8 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30
Initiative- +6
AC- 13
Touch- 12
Flat-Footed- 11
Fortitude- 4
Reflex- 4
Will- 4
BAB- +0
CMB- +1
CMD- 13
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
Acrobatics/ 2=2+0+0
*Appraise/ 6=2+1+3
*Bluff/ 4=4+0+0
Climb/ 1=1+0+0
*Craft/ 6=2+1+3
Diplomacy/ 4=4+0+0
Disable Device/ 2=2+0+0
Disguise/ 4=4+0+0
Escape Artist/ 2=2+0+0
*Fly/ 2=2+0+0
Handle Animal/ 4=4+0+0
Heal/ 2=2+0+0
*Intimidate/ 4=4+0+0
*Knowledge(Arcana)/ 8=2+1+5
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Local)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nature)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nobility)/ 2=2+0+0
*Knowledge(Planes)/ 5=2+0+3
Knowledge(Religion)/ 2=2+0+0
Linguistics/ 2=2+0+0
Perception/ 2=2+0+0
Perform/ 4=4+0+0
*Profession/ 2=2+0+0
Ride/ 2=2+0+0
Sense Motive/ 2=2+0+0
Sleight of Hand/ 2=2+0+0
*Spellcraft/ 7=2+1+4
Stealth/ 2=2+0+0
Survival/ 2=2+0+0
Swim/ 1=1+0+0
*Use Magic Device/ 8=4+1+3
Languages Known: Common, Celestial, Infernal
Empower Spell
Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Skill Focus K(Planes)
Weapon Finesse
Enlarge Spell
Special Abilities:
Eschew Materials
Elemental Ray 7/day: Ranged touch, 1d6, +1 for every 2 sorcerer levels
Two-World Magic/Create Water
Arcane Student
Outlander/Lore Seeker - Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Mage Armor
Level 0 (Cantrips):
Spell Save DC: 14
Create Water: 2 gallons per level
Acid Splash: ranged touch 1d3, acid orb
Ray of Frost: ranged touch 1d3, cold or acid
Resistance: +1 on all saving throws
Detect Magic: detects spells and magic items within 60ft.
Level 1:
Spell Save DC: 15
Spells per Day: 4
Summon Monster I: 1 round cast time, 1 round per level duration
Mage Armor: +4 AC
Starting Money= 80gp
Morningstar/ 6 lbs. 1d8
Dagger/ 1 lbs. 1d4
Scholar's Outfit/ 6 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Hooded Lantern/ 2 lbs.
2 Oil Flasks/ 2 lbs.
Waterskin/ 4 lbs.
Total Weight= 38 lbs.
Light Load= 43 lbs.
Medium Load= 86 lbs.
Heavy Load= 130 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 130 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 260 lbs.
Drag/Push= 650 lbs.
Remaining Money= 50gp 2sp 0cp
The Vistin family has long been imbued with elemental earth magic, but it had rarely manifested itself until Salius Vistin was born. At a young age, Salius discovered that he had uncanny natural magical abilities, and his parents enrolled him in The Arcanamirium in Absalom. Because of his young age, only 13, he was given the rank of apprentice, but reached the rank of journeyman by the time he was 16. At 20, he attained the rank of maven and started his advanced studies to become an arcanscenti. As one of the final steps to achieving this prestigous rank, his instructors have tasked him with travelling to Varisia to study the ancient language and magic of the Thassilonians. After a long journey by sea, Salius arrives in Sanpoint harbor, ready to learn everything he can about the Thassilonians and attain the rank of arcanscenti.
The things I have noticed right off are as follows;
You may want to get a spell component pouch, Most spells do not require components but some do, to cover the bases of coming across such instances you may want to consider one.
I believe you need one more feat, at first level you start with one and you have an extra one as a racial bonus. All the feats you have posted appear as a class feat with the exception of Enlarge Spell, leaving you left with one more to choose.
That is all I see right now but I will start with that and continue to look it over.
I added a belt pouch to my inventory, I am guessing that would be the same as a component pouch. I also added the weight to my total weight and deducted the cost from my money. For my feat I chose Cosmopolitan, it is from the advanced players guide, but I thought it fitting since Salius is from Absalom.
Name: Salius Vistin
Race: Human Male
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
[Strength].- 12/+1
[Dexterity]- 15/+2
Con- 12/+1
Int- 15/+2
[Wisdom]- 15/+2
[Charisma]- 19/+4 (Racial modifier)
HP- 8 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30
Initiative- +6
AC- 13
Touch- 12
Flat-Footed- 11
Fortitude- 4
Reflex- 4
Will- 4
BAB- +0
CMB- +1
CMD- 13
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
Acrobatics/ 2=2+0+0
*Appraise/ 6=2+1+3
*Bluff/ 4=4+0+0
Climb/ 1=1+0+0
*Craft/ 6=2+1+3
Diplomacy/ 4=4+0+0
Disable Device/ 2=2+0+0
Disguise/ 4=4+0+0
Escape Artist/ 2=2+0+0
*Fly/ 2=2+0+0
Handle Animal/ 4=4+0+0
Heal/ 2=2+0+0
*Intimidate/ 4=4+0+0
*Knowledge(Arcana)/ 8=2+1+5
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Local)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nature)/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Nobility)/ 2=2+0+0
*Knowledge(Planes)/ 5=2+0+3
Knowledge(Religion)/ 2=2+0+0
*Linguistics/ 2=2+0+0
*Perception/ 2=2+0+0
Perform/ 4=4+0+0
*Profession/ 2=2+0+0
Ride/ 2=2+0+0
Sense Motive/ 2=2+0+0
Sleight of Hand/ 2=2+0+0
*Spellcraft/ 7=2+1+4
Stealth/ 2=2+0+0
Survival/ 2=2+0+0
Swim/ 1=1+0+0
*Use Magic Device/ 8=4+1+3
Languages Known: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Abyssal
Empower Spell
Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative
Lightning Reflexes
Skill Focus K(Planes)
Weapon Finesse
Enlarge Spell
Cosmopolitan/Draconic, Abyssal/Linguistics, perception
Special Abilities:
Eschew Materials
Elemental Ray 7/day: Ranged touch, 1d6, +1 for every 2 sorcerer levels
Two-World Magic/Create Water
Arcane Student
Outlander/Lore Seeker - Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Mage Armor
Level 0 (Cantrips):
Spell Save DC: 14
Create Water: 2 gallons per level
Acid Splash: ranged touch 1d3, acid orb
Ray of Frost: ranged touch 1d3, cold or acid
Resistance: +1 on all saving throws
Detect Magic: detects spells and magic items within 60ft.
Level 1:
Spell Save DC: 15
Spells per Day: 4
Summon Monster I: 1 round cast time, 1 round per level duration
Mage Armor: +4 AC
Starting Money= 80gp
Morningstar/ 6 lbs. 1d8
Dagger/ 1 lbs. 1d4
Scholar's Outfit/ 6 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Hooded Lantern/ 2 lbs.
2 Oil Flasks/ 2 lbs.
Waterskin/ 4 lbs.
Belt pouch/ 1lbs.
Total Weight= 39 lbs.
Light Load= 43 lbs.
Medium Load= 86 lbs.
Heavy Load= 130 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 130 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 260 lbs.
Drag/Push= 650 lbs.
Remaining Money= 49gp 2sp 0cp
The Vistin family has long been imbued with elemental earth magic, but it had rarely manifested itself until Salius Vistin was born. At a young age, Salius discovered that he had uncanny natural magical abilities, and his parents enrolled him in The Arcanamirium in Absalom. Because of his young age, only 13, he was given the rank of apprentice, but reached the rank of journeyman by the time he was 16. At 20, he attained the rank of maven and started his advanced studies to become an arcanscenti. As one of the final steps to achieving this prestigous rank, his instructors have tasked him with travelling to Varisia to study the ancient language and magic of the Thassilonians. After a long journey by sea, Salius arrives in Sanpoint harbor, ready to learn everything he can about the Thassilonians and attain the rank of arcanscenti.