Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game - Page 24 of 95

Gorion and Salius, The men work quickly to - Page 24 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 4th Nov, 2013 - 2:23pm

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1st Nov, 2013 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game - Page 24


Walking up to the guard, the man salutes Gorion with respect. "It has been said that they say that they where given orders to kill everyone in town and burn the place down. I don't know that the sheriff has gotten anything more from them." The burly guard frowns at the prospect of the goblins succeeding in their orders. "The gods blessed us this day as we have been able to defeat them in their scheming." The guard thrust out his hand to shake Gorion's, "I have heard of you and your friends courage in the face of the goblins. I commend you on your bravery." Nodding his head in a show of respect the guards move to continue in their task.

Out of Character:: Gorion would know nothing in support of gaining information on the attack other then asking the right people.


"I don't know that the sheriff would allow that, but if you could gain an audience with him you could ask yourself." The skinny guard looks weak with weariness as he continues to answer Salius's questions with respect. "From what I hear they call all humans longshanks. So their leader by way of deduction apears to be a human. None of the goblins being interrogated seem to know a name only that it was one of us longshanks." The scrawny guard shrugs and moves to leave stopping short he looks back and asks, "What is your name Sir? I am Hamblin. I would like the names of the towns hero's to be known."
The man shakes Salius hand in greeting and leaves him to his thoughts.

Salius finds no use of magic as he examines the corpses, leaving him mystified to the reason the goblins would attack the town of Sandpoint.

Out of Character:: There is nothing out of place other then the mess left behind by the battle with the goblins. No magic spell are detected.

Resfrix gathers the wounded and frightened people. He channels his healing energy into all around, the air shimmers as like heat rising off a surface on a hot day and everyone oooh's and aaah's in wonder at his ability. Feeling better and comforted by his healing the people disperse saying their thanks to Resfrix and Father Zantus as they depart. Resfrix gives Father Zantus 2 copper pieces before he departs to join the others at the Rust Dragon.


The party meets up at the Rusty Dragon Salius and Resfrix are the first to arrive followed by Gorion shortly there after. The Noble man Aldern Foxglove has already retired to his room for the evening as has everyone else who normally frequents the Rusty Dragon, the days events has taken it's toll on everyone in town. Ameiko tells Salius "Please lock up afterward. I would prepare you all a room and a meal but I cannot stay on my feet a moment longer." She departs for her quarters in need of rest. The party is left alone to discuss their thoughts on the days events.

Out of Character:: Only 6 copper pieces where found. 2 copper to each player.

Reconcile Edited: Canabusis on 2nd Nov, 2013 - 1:44pm

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2nd Nov, 2013 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #

Game Main RPG Runelords The Rise Canabusis


Salius retrieved some bread, cheese, water, and ale from the kitchen as the trio sat at a table in the empty common room.

"Sorry it couldn't be a hot meal, but Ameiko and her staff were exhausted from tending to the other frightened patrons and had to retire to their rooms." Salius continued, "Well, we didn't find much among the goblin corpses, just some stolen merchandise and a few coppers. I did talk to a guard though, and he said that some goblins were captured and being interrogated by Sheriff Hemlock. They haven't got a name out of the little beasts yet, but one did say that their leader was a 'longshank', which is what they call humans. So we know that their leader is human, or at least looks human."

Salius paused and took a bite of bread and a swig of ale.

"I think that we should talk to the Sheriff in the morning to see if he has got any more information, and ask if we can aid in interrogations."

After the meeting, Salius cleans up a bit, and locks the inn after Gorion and Resfrix have left. He then goes up to his room for some much needed sleep.


"Yes, talking to the Sherriff would be a good place to start. I talked to a guard on the way over here and he had heard that the goblins had been given orders to kill everyone and burn the town. We should talk to the Mayor as well, find out if this town has any enemies that could pull this off. I suggest that we all meet in front of the Garrison first thing in the morning. We can talk to the Sherriff and go from there."

Gorion eats and drinks quietly for a few minutes before speaking again.

"Resfrix, please tell Father Zantus that I will be staying at the orphanage for the duration of my stay in town. One of the children was killed in the attack and it shook them up pretty bad. They are all terrified, and have asked me to stay with them."

After the meeting was over and everyone was finished eating, Gorion helped clean up and went back to the orphanage to retire for the night.

3rd Nov, 2013 - 4:22am / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Out of Character:: filling in for time lost during the fast forward. Salius is the only one truly affected by much as he is paying for his room and meals. Salius minus 20 Gold, you have been working for your room and meals for one week now.


Salius no sooner lays his head down in weariness when he hears the church bells from within his room at the Rusty Dragon, feeling sluggish and slow from the previous nights battle thinking that he's running late for his duties for Ameiko. Salius owed her in a big way, having run short on coin to pay for his prolonged stay. He had stayed way longer then he intended. Being almost obsessed with the texts and volumes he found within the Curious Goblin, books he found too interesting to leave and not being able to afford. Chask Haladan being friends with Brodert Quink whom Salius had unintendidly befriended, had allowed Salius into the group of interested and avid readers known to frequent the Curious Goblin. All of whom spent their days in study, reading and discussing their theories on the ruins and history of Varisia on the cozy couches and seats in the store. None where allowed to leave the building with books not purchased but all in their group where allowed to stay as long as they liked. Salius knows he needs to make his way to the common room to help Ameiko with the tasks and duties she so commonly gives him for payment to continue to stay at her Inn.


Gorion returns to Turandarock Academy to a few whimpers from children that have not fallen asleep yet. Master Ilsoari gives him a blanket and directs him to a huge cushioned chair with a foot stool in the common room where the children have gathered together to sleep. Fearful of sleeping in their own beds, the children lay sprawled over the floor and couches huddled together with their blankets and pillows. Gorion reassures the frightful children that have not already lay slumbering that they are safe and he is there to guard over their sleep. Feeling comforted by his presence they give into sleep.

Gorion wakes late in the day tired from the horrors of last night. Being ever so grateful that casualties where minimal. His muscles burn with soreness, slowly arising looking about expecting to see his shared sleeping quarters he finds himself in a overly large cushioned chair at the academy. A flood of memories from the evening come rushing back and he looks franticly around to see that everything is still ok and that no goblin invade the room. Coming to his senses he slowly untangles himself from his blankets. Seeing none of the children still laying about, all remnants of their slumber party wiped clean from the room, he knows he has overslept.


Resfrix tries to work out the cramps within his muscles, feeling as though he spent an entire day sparring with Gorion. The sun warm on your face is comforting after the darkness that was cast last night. Resfrix opens his eyes and gazes at the empty room.

Reconcile Edited: Canabusis on 3rd Nov, 2013 - 4:26am

3rd Nov, 2013 - 3:45pm / Post ID: #

Page 24 Game Main RPG Runelords The Rise Canabusis


When Salius awakes, he goes to the common room and quickly completes his duties for Ameiko. When he is done he goes to the Garrison to meet up with Gorion and Resfrix, hoping he isn't late.


Gorion realizes that he has awoken late and gathers his equipment. After finding the children and telling them goodbye, he makes his way to the Garrison to meet the others and talk to the Sherriff.

3rd Nov, 2013 - 10:12pm / Post ID: #

Game Main RPG Runelords The Rise Canabusis


When arriving at the common room Ameiko greets him with a hug. "I have been hearing about all you did for our town last night during the goblin invasion. You will always have a place to stay here. I'm giving you two weeks free and I will forever only charge you one gold piece a night there after." Smiling at you she grabs her coin pouch and hands you twenty five gold pieces. "This is for all the work you have done for me so far. If you do continue to work for me you will be well paid." Ameiko kisses Salius on the cheek. "No work for you today, you should rest you look tired." Ameiko hands him a plate of some delicious looking potatoes and eggs with sausages and hard rolls.

All the patrons of the Inn stare at Salius talking quietly to each other, Salius gets the feeling that their conversations are about him.

Salius walks to the garrison to meet up with the others. He is met with cheerful greetings from almost everyone he comes across. Young ladies giggle and and blush as he walks by, giving him bashful little waves.

Salius finds Resfrix awaiting him patiently, there is no sign yet of Gorion.


As Gorion makes his way to the garrison he notices that many of the towns folk wave and smile at him. Some of the older men nod in respect at his passing.

As Gorion passes Sandpoints Savories Alma Avertin a kind old woman with a sadness in her eyes, runs into the street and thrusts a fresh loaf of bread into his hands, pinching his cheek she smiles and says, "Hero's need to keep up their strength." Just as fast as she had intercepted Gorion she had departed back into her shop. The bread smells of heaven and is still very warm in Gorions hands.

Finally making it to the garrison Gorion finds that Resfrix and Salius are already there waiting on him.


Resfrix rises and immediately makes his way to Sarenrae's shrine to pray and prepare his spells. After his meditation he finds a great many people watching him waiting for his sermon. Resfrix looks to the eager folk and says, "I haven't the time right now to tell you of the greatness of Sarenrae the dawn flower, I have important business to attend to... I shall return." Bowing in humble respect Resfrix departs to meet up with the rest of the party to investigate the invasion of the goblins.

As Resfrix finds his way to the garrison he is met with salutations and folk bowing in respect as he passes. Many of the people can be heard wishing him the blessings of the varying gods of the temple in which they all worship.

Resfrix comes to find that he is the first to arrive at the garrison and waits patiently for the rest of his party to arrive.


As the party comes together before the garrison to seek an audience with sheriff Hemlock, guards who are making their way in and out during the changing of the watch greet the men with respect and looks of admiration. When asked a young guard gives directions to the sheriffs office and grins from ear to ear with admiration of the newly found hero's.

The party makes their way to the sheriffs office to find the door open and the sheriff with his head on his desk slumbering fitfully.

Reconcile Edited: Canabusis on 3rd Nov, 2013 - 10:32pm

4th Nov, 2013 - 1:38am / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game

Gorion and Salius,

The trio stands in the doorway of the Sheriff's office, and they are a little reluctant to wake him from his slumber. Eventually, Gorion clears his throat loudly in an attempt to wake the sleeping lawman. Sheriff Hemlock sits up suddenly and starts shuffling papers around his desk like he wasn't sleeping. He looks over at the men in his doorway and invites them in. They all sit in front of the Sheriff's desk and Gorion states the reason for their visit.

"Good day, Sheriff. We are sorry to interrupt your work. I know you are probably very busy after last night, but we wanted to know if you had any information on the goblin attack? Have you discovered who their leader is or why they attacked the town?"

Salius then spoke up about the captured goblins,
"I understand your guards captured a few of the attackers, would you object to us assisting in interrogations, or at least sitting in?"

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4th Nov, 2013 - 7:10am / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise The Runelords RPG Main Game - Page 24


Sheriff Hemlock clears his throat before answering the oncoming questions. "None of the Goblins seem to know the name of the leader, they only refer to him as one of you longshanks! I have come to find that they said" The sheriff cuts his sentence off as Father Zantus bursts into the room with an urgency that couldn't be ignored. "Sheriff come quickly, I have put off the memorial service for the dead today in light of what I've found."

Looking quite shocked and very tired the sheriff rises from his seat and addresses the group. "Perhaps you all should come with me." Father Zantus looks questioningly at the sheriff, "Are you sure that these men should accompany you? I have something very sensitive to show you." Sheriff Hemlock takes a look around at the men before him and nods his head. "Yes, I think they should.... They have shown that they are upstanding citizens." Father Zantus nods his head in acceptance and starts toward the door.

Father Zantus leads the group to the graveyard where a grave has been dug up. The mound of dirt sits askew the side of the empty plot. "This is not good, I should have checked when I heard." Sheriff Hemlock looks sullen and deep in thought. Turning to the group he explains further. "I was about to tell these gentlemen about what I have come to find out from my interrogations. I found that the goblins invasion on Sandpoint was just a distraction for some secret mission, their leader was going to the graveyard. I couldn't understand why.... I ... I thought they were lying." The sheriff bows his head in shame. Father Zantus puts his hand on sheriff Hemlocks shoulder trying to console him. "There's no way you could've known."

"Why would they take the late Father Ezakien Tobyn's remains?" Sheriff Hemlock looks to Father Zantus for answers. The Father shrugs his shoulders and looks deep in thought, staring seeing threw the group gathered around the empty grave as if seeing past them all into some world that holds the answers. Coming to his senses Father Zantus gaze returns to the present. "Gentlemen if you would please keep this between us, I think it would seriously upset the people of Sandpoint. If you wouldn't mind helping by putting the dirt back in the hole before anyone else see's what's become of the late Fathers resting place."

"I need to complete the ceremony to consecrate the temple, please use this opportunity to discreetly hide the desecration to his grave. I need to leave before anyone comes looking for me."
Father Zantus turns and heads to the cathedral.

"Please come see me when your done here gentlemen. It seems we have more to discuss." Sheriff Hemlock heads back to the garrison even more somber then before.

Reconcile Edited: Canabusis on 4th Nov, 2013 - 7:15am

4th Nov, 2013 - 2:23pm / Post ID: #

Canabusis' Rise The Runelords RPG Main Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 24

Gorion and Salius,

The men work quickly to fill in the hole, placing the grass sods on top so that no one might noticed that is has been disturbed. After filling the hole, they quickly and quietly leave the cemetery and return to the garrison to speak to the Sheriff.

> TOPIC: Canabusis' Rise Of The Runelords RPG Main Game


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