When you enter your room for the night you notice a body laying in the dark on one of the cots sleeping.
Trake & KNtoran,
You both wake in the company of each other, you come to find that you are room mates. Rising quite early ready for another day, you hear the sound of church bells.
"I have been in town for a few days, but only found my way to the cathedral yesterday." Gorion then hears the church bells ringing. "Ah, they must be eager to put us back to work. It was nice to meet you Resfrix, but if you will excuse me, I must say my morning prayers before breakfast."
Gorion says his prayers to Iomedae and then heads downstairs for breakfast.
"Yes I must say my morning prayers to Sarenrae myself" Resfrix will head down to the main floor and the shrine to Sarenrae for his morning prayers. He will head to break his fast afterwards. After eating Resfrix will look for Father Zantus to see what he can do to help for the day.
Father Zantus directs you to unload more carts just before noon and lunch the carts stop coming, all are unloaded and it appears there's nothing left to do. Shezeik comes to you and says. "You should rest and eat lunch as soon as it is prepared, later we will unload some of the buildings adjacent to the temple, most of that belongs to the kitchen."
Trake, You go down for breakfast a meal consisting of eggs and potatoes. It is filling but a little on the bland side. Shezeik comes to see you. "Will you be assisting us again today?"
After lunch you unload kitchen supplies from the wood buildings adjacent to the temple. Then your directed to move basins for the bathing rooms and some desks for the shared sleeping quarters. After a long day of hard work you're provided with dinner and released to do as you please.