Now see, if he didn't want to be so rich, then he could come see me and give me some money. He has enough millions to make many people million aires and still have more money than he knows what to do with. Of course, he could stop trying nail everyone who has an "illegal" Windows copy, since he doesn't need the money any more.
You know, that is what I first thought when I read that article. There are a lot of us that can help him with all his millions. I know he gives to charities quite a bit already, but if he is so tired of the money, he could give a lot more. I just think he is trying to find a way for people to feel sorry for him.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
This really was not a big shocker to me. He has been slowly giving up bits and pieces at a time, leading to this announcement. I don't blame the guy; he has achieved what many others can only dream of, and is set for life. He really has nothing more to accomplish, and can retire knowing he single handedly changed the IT industry forever.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
10 Potential Second Careers for Bill Gates
Microsoft's cofounder says he'll do charitable work after he retires this month. But we have some other suggestions: driving instructor, expert witness, and circus clown for starters. And Bill has experience in all of them.
Ref. https://www.pcworld.com/article/id,147036/a...ml?tk=nl_wbxnws
Bill Gates dances up a storm
Move over Lindsay Lohan - Bill Gates, party liaison, has busted out of his geek shell, table dancing into the wee hours at the Sundance Film Festival two nights in a row, much to the surprise of other revellers. Ref. Source 4