Your Best Camera
Tell us about the best Camera you own, along with how much you paid for it and what it can do? Was it worth the price you paid for it?
My favorite camera that I own is my Canon Rebel Ti. My fiance bought it for me for Christmas a couple of years ago, and it's a $350 camera. It is not digital, because I really am not a fan of digital cameras. I have a cheapie for work and such, but when it comes to serious photography, I definately use my Ti. I like being able to use manual focus, because sometimes what I want to focus on isn't what the camera doesn't want to focus on. Even though I didn't pay for it, I think it's worth the money.
The best camera that I ever had was an old Kodak, it was given to me, and I used to get fantastic pictures from it.
It wasn't digital, or anywhere near close to it , but you could trust it 100% to get a good picture every time.
sadly, I lost it a few years ago, when I did one of our house moves, and although we've now got a digital camera, personally I still prefer my old one!